Change boot back from efi to mbr

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  1. Posts : 18,476
    Windows 11 Pro

    Most UEFI computers will only boot in UEFI mode from FAT32 partitions. Your motherboard, apparently, does not have that limitation. I am not sure if the "Failure when attempting to copy boot files" is due to the fact that you are attempting to set up UEFI booting (with the /f ALL option) on the NTFS partition with the OS or if there is some other problem.

    The standard layout for UEFI booting is to have a small, FAT32 EFI System at the front of the drive that the computer boots from.

    One possible solution would be to install Macrium Reflect Free:
    Macrium Software | Macrium Reflect Free

    Run it and create a Macrium Reflect rescue USB flash drive. Boot the computer from the flash drive and then under the restore menu will be a utility to Fix Windows Boot problems. Run that utility and see what bootable partitions it finds and run the option to repair it.

    The other option would be to shrink C: drive partition to create 100 MB free space to create a FAT32 EFI System partition in, then try to write the boot files to it using the bcdboot command.
      My Computer

  2. Posts : 6
    Windows 10
    Thread Starter

    Ahh, that was a stupid mistake from me, forgot to run it as admin. But I still get the same problem as before, the C: drive does not show up as a bootable drive.

    - - - Updated - - -

    Thanks for the awnser NavyLCDR. Don't have the time to try the solution you have sugested this weekend so will try it out next week.
      My Computer


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