Desktop folder misplaced

  1. Posts : 1
    windows 10

    Desktop folder misplaced

    I had my desktop synced to my OneDrive folder, along with documents pictures and videos, and needed to move them back to the original location. In the process I have lost my desktop folder. It is now the highest level folder on my computer, with my pc, and OneDrive folders under it, and can't be moved. When I right click to open properties of the desktop folder it opens pc settings. How can I restore my correct Desktop folder in the correct location.!AiRuzeWPuaGp7WYemv6mn6CJ5cnV
      My Computer

  2. Posts : 989
    Microsoft Windows 10 Home

    The Desktop at the top level is a virtual folder, which includes, among other thinkgs, the contents of your UserProfile Desktop folder (which is an actual file system folder).

    In your linked Screenshot (you should inset the image into your post), I see two folders under This PC named Documents, but one has the Desktop icon. Does that folder have the items you see on your Desktop? If you right-click that icon & select Properties > Location tab, what folder is the target?

      My Computer


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