New Windows 10 Settings uninstall view - better than previous version?

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  1. Posts : 7
    Windows 10

    New Windows 10 Settings uninstall view - better than previous version?

    I'm failing to see how... newer is supposed to be better, but the view on the right seems to do the same thing yet shows way less info:

    New Windows 10 Settings uninstall view - better than previous version?-image.png

    Can someone explain to me how the new way is better?

    It appears to also require more scrolling and more clicks to see the same info and do the same things (or some features were just removed)... maybe this is great on a dinky tablet but I don't use Windows tablets (I don't know anyone that does) and Microsoft made it more difficult to get to Control Panel even on desktop than Settings due to not having Control Panel be one of the folders you can add to the Start menu left-side shortcuts like they allow with Settings. :/ really miffed at some design decisions here (just recently upgraded from 7)
      My Computer

  2. Posts : 7,724
    3-Win-7Prox64 3-Win10Prox64 3-LinuxMint20.2

    Sorry can't besides it looks better on a cell phone :/
      My Computers

  3. Posts : 72,063
    64-bit Windows 11 Pro for Workstations

    Settings is basically the modern version of the Control Panel that is more user friendly for touch screens and mobile/desktop screens.
      My Computers

  4. Posts : 819

    One could argue --

    1. It's way prettier (which matters if you want Mac peeps to drop MacOS)
    2. The Boomers are old... and need bigger print
    3. Resized for tablets
    4. Once you've made your transition to 10 you won't be using the settings so much

    But you are correct that 10 demands lots of scrolling, to the point of not realizing key features are just out of view. That aspect of it is poor design. It's like if your car's ignition was under the driver's seat.
      My Computer

  5. Posts : 672
    Windows 10 Home

    davewin said:
    It appears to also require more scrolling and more clicks to see the same info and do the same things (or some features were just removed)... maybe this is great on a dinky tablet but I don't use Windows tablets (I don't know anyone that does) and Microsoft made it more difficult to get to Control Panel even on desktop than Settings due to not having Control Panel be one of the folders you can add to the Start menu left-side shortcuts like they allow with Settings. :/ really miffed at some design decisions here (just recently upgraded from 7)
    I don't like tablets either, dont even know how to use them or even played with one and prefer the way things worked in XP and W7. At the time when W8 had been recently released I had to buy a new computer and decided to buy a W7 instead of W8 as I couldn't stand the Start menu W8 had. I found everything about W8 disgusting, specially the Start menu. Luckily, afterward, MS started moving to correct the errors in the the Start menu, made it closer to what we had in W7 and by the time I had to buy another computer, W10 had become OK. So, I bought a W10. I have been using W10 now for two and a half year, and I can tell you, I like it. I still prefer XP over all other MS systems I used but W10 is fine. And is getting better.

    Read the last sentence this guy wrote in the article below released today. I feel those words are true. They might encourage you into giving W10 a chance with an open mind.

    Seven high points of Windows 7 | Computerworld

    Regarding the Control panel. You can pin it to the right side of your Start menu. I have a shortcut there and is usually where I open it from. In XP and W7, I had it on the left side, on W10 is on the right. No difference, you open it with same amount of clicks.

      My Computer

  6. Posts : 5,899
    Win 11 Pro (x64) 22H2

    I loved my Edsel, but these new cars aren't so bad either
      My Computers

  7. Posts : 216
    Windows 10 Home 64-bit

    It would be perfectly fine to use the old view if you only use desktop apps. However if you also use apps from the Microsoft Store, only Settings will be able to show these Store apps.

    I believe that there will always be a 'Control Panel' but as more and more settings are being integrated into 'Settings' I can't say how long 'Programs and Features' will last for. That being said, 'Add/Remove Windows Features' is still a Control Panel option.

    At the moment the Apps in Settings I believe are OK. There could be more changes with regarding the presentation, such as giving more viewing options. Which is currently only supported in the explorer view. It will be interesting to see how future updates affect the way we view and uninstalls desktop/apps.

    I would suggest trying to adapt to the new list in Settings as Microsoft seems to be trying to phase out Control Panel.

    There are many crucial links to the Panel, so it will take a long amount of time before it is completely gone.
      My Computer

  8. Posts : 5,899
    Win 11 Pro (x64) 22H2

    You can add Control Panel to right click Context menu - How to Add or Remove Control Panel context menu in Windows 10.

    This way you never have to search for it, just right click on desktop and choose Control Panel

    New Windows 10 Settings uninstall view - better than previous version?-context-menu-control-panel.jpg
      My Computers

  9. Posts : 278
    Windows 10 pro x64

    Or you can navigate to "C:/Windows/System32" and scroll down the list until you find the "control" program icon, then make a shortcut on the right click menu for your desktop!
      My Computer

  10. Posts : 5,899
    Win 11 Pro (x64) 22H2

    Yeah... if you like your desktop cluttered with shortcuts. I don't. No No No
      My Computers


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