Hi Try3,
Thanks for the reply.8-))
The batch file runs perfectly when I am logged in as the only user, (admin).
Just a double click and it's fine.
The path and the settings are fine.
When the task is set I am still logged in although the PC will have hibernated by then.
I am not really trying to run at an elevated command, it was just a test to see if that helped.
When I attempt to change certain parameters in the task manager it always asks for a password which I do not have as the way Microsoft has set up the users does not make sense.
It has added a normal user that does not show up in the accounts manager and the local admin account is disabled!
Both of these need passwords that have not been set as I am not using those.
This method of using local and remote users is really weird.
In conclusion, it appears that although I have set up the task as the normal admin, when it comes to making certain changes it requires local passwords!
The question is why does it change to local users when the task is added and you cannot change the user as adding it to a group does not show the normal user admin.
Last edited by Arnak; 10 Jan 2020 at 10:13.