Task Manager Problem.

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  1. Posts : 25
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    Hi Try3,

    Thanks for the reply.8-))

    The batch file runs perfectly when I am logged in as the only user, (admin).

    Just a double click and it's fine.

    The path and the settings are fine.

    When the task is set I am still logged in although the PC will have hibernated by then.

    I am not really trying to run at an elevated command, it was just a test to see if that helped.

    When I attempt to change certain parameters in the task manager it always asks for a password which I do not have as the way Microsoft has set up the users does not make sense.

    It has added a normal user that does not show up in the accounts manager and the local admin account is disabled!

    Both of these need passwords that have not been set as I am not using those.

    This method of using local and remote users is really weird.

    In conclusion, it appears that although I have set up the task as the normal admin, when it comes to making certain changes it requires local passwords!

    The question is why does it change to local users when the task is added and you cannot change the user as adding it to a group does not show the normal user admin.

    Last edited by Arnak; 10 Jan 2020 at 10:13.
      My Computer

  2. Posts : 17,092
    Windows 10 Home x64 Version 22H2 Build 19045.4894


    You keep referring to Task manager but I think, from your detailed descriptions, that you mean Task scheduler.

    I suggest that you start from scratch and create a simple new task without any complications of admin levels or not being logged in. Get that working [just use a batch file with the single cmd Pause for testing].

    When that's done you can then add each of your real command lines to the test batch file so you can check each one.

      My Computer

  3. Posts : 25
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    Task Scheduler.

    Hi Dennis,

    That batch file has been used successfully for years in the Task Scheduler on other PC's but not under W10.

    It runs fine when run from a double click and the pause is just to hold the program open for when I check it has run in the morning.

    When setting it up I have left it as a standard with no frills settings, so I will see if it will run tonight.

    What I have noticed is that when it is set up it takes the name of the local user not my name as admin, why is that when I am logged in using the Microsoft login as Admin?

    I just found this which is the same as my problem.


    Last edited by Arnak; 10 Jan 2020 at 19:11.
      My Computer

  4. Posts : 17,092
    Windows 10 Home x64 Version 22H2 Build 19045.4894


    You have previously said that there is only one user account on the computer.

    Please confirm the usernames of all users by running this command
    net user
    and check which are admin & which are active by runnng
    net user <UserName>
    for example,
    net user Martin

    Please add a command to the test batch file
    to get it to tell you which account it runs under.

    That xcopy line makes no sense to me at all. I do not see how that batch file has ever run. But I am trying to focus on the Task scheduler problem.

    I suggest you create a new question to ask about Task scheduler runs tasks in wrong user account.
    - Include a screenshot of the task definition dialog showing the General tab so that the user account name can be seen
    - Include a screenshot of a cmd window in which you have run the cmd whoami so that the name of the current user can be seen

      My Computer

  5. Posts : 17,092
    Windows 10 Home x64 Version 22H2 Build 19045.4894


    Having seen both your questions
    Task Manager Problem
    User Question
    I now believe that the user identity question is merely a misunderstanding and that there is no fault at all.

    I have addressed the issue in User Question

      My Computer

  6. Posts : 25
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    Task Scheduler.


    Thanks for the reply.

    The task worked perfectly last night so it seems to have finally sorted itself out.8-))

      My Computer


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