What do the little three-note meolodies mean?
Win ver. 1903
While using my laptop, I keep getting little three-note melodies. What do they mean?
Win ver. 1903
While using my laptop, I keep getting little three-note melodies. What do they mean?
Hi @lloyde12000 , welcome to tenforums!
Most likely Explorer action sounds, you could visit C:/Windows/Media and give em a listen and see what they are...
Three notes in quick succession usually indicate a usb device being detected or removed. The files are 'Windows Hardware Insert.wav' and Windows Hardware Remove.wav' in C:\Windows\Media. If this is happening often it could indicate worn contacts or a poor connection for this the usb device.
Play each of the set sounds in turn until you hear the one you recognise. Unlike the other posts, I suggest using the UI to do this -
- Right-click on Start button, Control panel, Sound, Sounds tab.
- Select each one in turn and press Test.