Recovery from the sleep mode

  1. Posts : 23

    Recovery from the sleep mode

    Win7 allowed (1) Fn+F4 to sleep and (2) Fn to recover to the exact screen settings before the sleep.
    But Win10 allows only (1), and (2) shows no response, and the system has to be restarted to recreate everything anew.
    Is there any method to restore the Win7 convenience?
      My Computer

  2. Posts : 4,201
    Windows 10 Pro x64 Latest RP

    You do not say if you have a desktop or a laptop, or if this is a new device or one that you have upgraded from windows 7.

    A lot of laptops, and a few desktops, have an additional set of functionality provided for the Function Keys, by the manufacturer, not all manufacturers provide the same functions and indeed some do not provide any functions .

    If the functions are provided this uses a specific set of drivers to make it work, It may be that these drivers are either not available for Windows 10 or just not loaded automatically when the system is upgraded. Check with your manufacturer's online website to see what windows 10 support they provide for your device. It may be that there is full support, partial support or No support, (some companies just want to sell new hardware rather than support older units )
      My Computers

  3. Posts : 45,454
    Win 10 Pro (22H2) (2nd PC is 22H2)

    (2) Fn to recover to the exact screen settings before the sleep.
    Sorry, I don't understand this one. Recovery from sleep should be to the same state as before sleep anyway.

    If you wished to assign any key combination such that it puts your PC to sleep, then you could create a shortcut to a suitable command and assign a key combination (other than Fn) to that shortcut.

    Example command:
    nircmd standby

    You can try out nircmd for yourself: it does a lot.

    Download (right at the bottom) and copy nircmd.exe to (say) C:

    Win key + r -> run box and enter
    nircmd standby

    Your PC should sleep.
      My Computers


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