Multimonitor scaled text blurry

  1. Posts : 9
    Wndows 8.1

    Multimonitor scaled text blurry


    I upgraded from Windows 7 to 10 recently, and I got greeted with the probably oldest win10 problem: DPI scaled text is blurry.

    I did a clean install, version is 1909.

    My monitors are:
    1: 1920x1080 , scaling: 150%
    2: 2560x1440 , scaling: 125%
    3: 1920x1200 , scaling: 100% (this one is marked as "main display")

    On monitor 3 many apps are blurry, see screenshot:

    Multimonitor scaled text blurry-blurytext.png

    As it can be seen, Explorer is all blurry, notepad is OK and Device Manage has normal window name, but the rest of it is blurry.

    I did some googleing and found that the only way to make it non blurry is to have the same scaling on all monitors. Is that true? Or is there a way to make it good with different DPI on different monitor (because they actually have different DPI and with same scaling some would either show everything too tiny or too big).
      My Computer

  2. Posts : 14,641
    Win10 Pro and Home, Win11 Pro and Home, Win7, Linux Mint

    Have you tried the Clear Type settings? Don't know if it will apply to more than the main monitor.
      My Computers

  3. Posts : 9
    Wndows 8.1
    Thread Starter

    I have ClearType turned on.

    Turning it off makes things even worse.

    Also: ClearType applies only to fonts, not to other GUI elements (that are also blurry, maybe not that obvious on the screenshot I supplied)
      My Computer


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