Is there a desktop shortcut for Click-Lock?
Hi everyone,
I use ClickLock on my Thinkpad T440s laptop using the very capable track pad. However when I am at home I plug my laptop into an external monitor and use it with a mouse. The mouse of course does not require ClickLock, and in fact ClickLock with the mouse gets in the way.
To get around this I've put a shortcut on the desktop which opens the Mouse Control Panel window, I then have to click on the Buttons tab, and click in the check-box to either activate it, or de-activate it. So whenever I work at my home desk I have to click through to de-activate it, and when I am working out and about, I have to activate it again.
Would anyone be able to help me with a shortcut which would simply toggle Click-Lock on and off?
Many thanks in advance!
P.S. I asked this question a couple of days ago under 'How to Turn On or Off Mouse ClickLock in Windows' in the tutorial section. As it was probably in the wrong section I am repeating it here. Apologies, Mods please feel free to delete my original entry:
Turn On or Off Mouse ClickLock in Windows.