Perhaps this may help you, Wolfgang.
I don't use CP on 8F, although I understand why members would. I use a bookmarked "Subscriptions" page along with "New Posts" button and sometimes "Find Unanswered Threads" under the Forum Actions button to look for new posts for members to help and/or new entries in all threads. 8F always alerts me to PMs, VMs, and Reps notifications within the CP when logging on, so I figured the CP was limited so far as seeing all my prescribed threads unread or not. Of course the unread threads are highlighted on my Prescriptions page and have it set to show latest first. Also, seeing all the threads I’ve answered to reminds me of them and helps me with an overall view of my participation.
When I joined here I started out using the Forum home page (naturally) and started answering posts. Of course when I answered posts email notifications where set up and enters that thread automatically into "Watched Threads". Then I discovered where "Watched Threads" hovering over "Forums" button at far upper left, then "All Watched Threads" on that page, and bookmarked that page. It's a lot like "Subscriptions" in 8F. It highlights unread threads and I can see all the rest I answered to. I could bookmark “All Watched Forums”, but that’s too much of a hassle.
I have all email notifications and alerts shut off. It’s peaceful when I enter here. :)