Can someone tell if Windows 9 will not be like windows 8?

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  1. Posts : 33

    I heard from a Microsoft insider that it will be a lot like Windows 8.1 but with a version of Aero added. Sort of between Windows 7 Full Aero and Windows 8.1 Flat for the desktop. Some of the Aero look will come to the tiles as well. However, with everything this is just what they are talking about not what may be done or even in betas. -WS
      My Computer

  2. Posts : 302
    Windows 10 10586

    WindowsStar, post: 10919, member: 137 said:
    I heard from a Microsoft insider that it will be a lot like Windows 8.1 but with a version of Aero added. Sort of between Windows 7 Full Aero and Windows 8.1 Flat for the desktop. Some of the Aero look will come to the tiles as well. However, with everything this is just what they are talking about not what may be done or even in betas. -WS
      My Computer

  3. Posts : 302
    Windows 10 10586

    All that's been made known so far is that Windows 9 will be more metro 2.0. What that will be, no one knows.

    But interesting as a variant of Aero will make it back since that's been a rumor for a while now.
      My Computer

  4. Posts : 33

    Coke Robot, post: 10921, member: 178 said:
    All that's been made known so far is that Windows 9 will be more metro 2.0. What that will be, no one knows.

    But interesting as a variant of Aero will make it back since that's been a rumor for a while now.
    Well darn a rumor for a while, I guess I am the last to know. :)
      My Computer

  5. Posts : 45,088
    Windows 10 Home 22H2

    Coke Robot, post: 10920, member: 178 said:
    I agree...full Aero is needed, not that awful flat look 8 currently has

    A Guy
      My Computers

  6. Posts : 167

    Seriously? People like Aero? It looks so dated, and I hated theat glow/glassy effect around the window border's text.
      My Computer

  7. Posts : 45,088
    Windows 10 Home 22H2

    Aero looks dated? And Window 8's flat look looks modern? If so, I don't like modern! A Guy
      My Computers

  8.    #18

    Why not go back to DOS?
      My Computer

  9. Posts : 20
    W10 Pro x64

    Coke Robot, post: 10920, member: 178 said:
      My Computer

  10. Posts : 167

    "In some ways, the most interesting thing about Threshold is how it recasts Windows 8 as the next Vista. It's an acknowledgment that what came before didn't work, and didn't resonate with customers. And though Microsoft will always be able to claim that Windows 9 wouldn't have been possible without the important foundational work they had done first with Windows 8—just as was the case with Windows 7 and Windows Vista—there's no way to sugarcoat this. Windows 8 has set back Microsoft, and Windows, by years, and possibly for good."


    If it does turn out that Threshold/Win9 does make people think Win8 was a bust, then that would be a grand shame. There's nothing wrong with Windows 8, other than it forced certain things which could easily have been optional and most people would have been happy. And I blame Steven Sinofski for that.

    Win8 (Sinofski):
    - No boot to desktop.
    - No start button.
    - No start menu.
    - No modern apps in Desktop windows.

    - Has boot to desktop.
    - Has start button.

    - No start menu.
    - No modern apps in Desktop windows.

    - Has boot to desktop.
    - Has start button.
    - Has start menu.
    - Has modern apps in Desktop windows.

    Have toggles during the initial installation boot where people can choose which way they want to run Windows/how they want it to look.

    Other than some people still liking and wanting Aero, which could become a prebuilt theme, where's the problem with Windows 8 now? MS doesn't need to throw the baby out with the bathwater and have the uninformed masses believe they are validated in thinking that '8 is the new Vista, yup'.
      My Computer


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