"In some ways, the most interesting thing about Threshold is how it recasts Windows 8 as the next Vista. It's an acknowledgment that what came before didn't work, and didn't resonate with customers. And though Microsoft will always be able to claim that Windows 9 wouldn't have been possible without the important foundational work they had done first with Windows 8—just as was the case with Windows 7 and Windows Vista—there's no way to sugarcoat this. Windows 8 has set back Microsoft, and Windows, by years, and possibly for good."
~ http://winsupersite.com/windows-8/th...hip-april-2015
If it does turn out that Threshold/Win9 does make people think Win8 was a bust, then that would be a grand shame. There's nothing wrong with Windows 8, other than it forced certain things which could easily have been optional and most people would have been happy. And I blame Steven Sinofski for that.
Win8 (Sinofski):
- No boot to desktop.
- No start button.
- No start menu.
- No modern apps in Desktop windows.
- Has boot to desktop.
- Has start button.
- No start menu.
- No modern apps in Desktop windows.
- Has boot to desktop.
- Has start button.
- Has start menu.
- Has modern apps in Desktop windows.
Have toggles during the initial installation boot where people can choose which way they want to run Windows/how they want it to look.
Other than some people still liking and wanting Aero, which could become a prebuilt theme, where's the problem with Windows 8 now? MS doesn't need to throw the baby out with the bathwater and have the uninformed masses believe they are validated in thinking that '8 is the new Vista, yup'.