Best version of Windows

View Poll Results: Best Windows OS

174. You may not vote on this poll
  • Windows 7

    96 55.17%
  • Windows XP

    11 6.32%
  • Windows 8.x

    57 32.76%
  • Windows Vista

    4 2.30%
  • Windows Longhorn

    1 0.57%
  • Windows 98

    2 1.15%
  • Windows 1.0

    3 1.72%
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  1. Posts : 171
    Windows 10 Pro 64-bit

    LittleJay, post: 31579, member: 114 said:
    That is quite the collection you there Wenda!
    It's not bad, no.

    Last 'score' was only a few months ago, I walked into a local op-shop and there, in a glass cabinet, keeping a couple of PC and Playstation games company was...

    A boxed copy of Windows XP Pro SP2, still in its original shrink-wrap!
    For only $5.00 Aus.

    Sadly it's no longer in the shrink-wrap as I needed to use the disk, my old original one was beyond using due to age, scratches etc.

      My Computer

  2. Posts : 470
    Windows 10 Pro For Workstations

    I voted for Seven but I used 95a 95 OSR2 with FAT 32 and USB and 98 version 1 and 98SE and knew no better till I got NT4 SP5 then 6A, that would multi task properly. Winamp would play music while you were playing Quake networked against the wife LOL. I really liked NT4 because it did as it was told and was not plug and play except for an add on on the CD.Then I got 2000 about a year after it came out. That was probably the peak. MS would add compatibility packs releases to make games and software work on the new OS. It was the start of the rot of Professional Workstations being dumbed down by consumer junk. XP was absolute crap when it came out and was not much cop until SP3 when I moved to it. Vista SP2 worked well on my system as does 7. I have now got 2 powerful machines one with an SSD and the other with regular spinners and I have heavily customized Windows 8.11 with Classic Shell and a bunch of Windows tweaks just how I like it. The only thing I can say is 7 LOOKS better than 8.x to my eyes on my $350 LG 16:10 monitors. Yes I am very fussy with picture quality having been in TV engineering for 30 + years. There is something different about the lower quality graphics engine in 8.x that does not draw such a nice screen. Honest I can see it plain as day on my machines running the same looking desktop and the same programs. If 8.2 has Aero it would be a winner no kidding. [ATTACH=full]1271[/ATTACH]
    Attached Thumbnails Attached Thumbnails Best version of Windows-windows-nt-2014-06-22-23-12-29.png  
      My Computers

  3. Posts : 7,127
    Windows 10 Pro Insider

    I voted for Windows 8.x. Windows 7 would be my second choice. My first computer was a Atari 800XL connected to a black and white tv with dual 5/14 inch disk drives and a printer that used tiny ink pens for the ink supply.
      My Computers

  4. Posts : 22,740
    Windows 10 Home x64

    Well, I just went back to Windows 7 Pro. Yes, Windows 8.1 is very good but I really don't make use of the "apps" that much so I went back to 7. It seems to run faster on my current PC and I like it a bit more.
      My Computer

  5. Posts : 9,653
    W10 Pro, W10 Home

    It seems to run faster on my current PC and I like it a bit more.
    Windows 8 boots up and shuts down noticeably faster on my PC than 7. Other than that, once either OS is up and running, I don't notice any difference in performance.
      My Computer

  6. Lee
    Posts : 4,793
    OS X, Win 10

    I have never gone backwards. Once I put a new OS on a computer it stays until a new OS comes out. For an example my iMac 27 now has the developer preview 2 of 10.10, and that will be on there until the finished version of 10.10 hits the street. Not really sure why albeit going backwards always felt like I was unable to learn something new. . .just me. . .:)
      My Computer

  7. Posts : 22,740
    Windows 10 Home x64

    Lee, post: 32844, member: 135 said:
    I have never gone backwards. Once I put a new OS on a computer it stays until a new OS comes out. For an example my iMac 27 now has the developer preview 2 of 10.10, and that will be on there until the finished version of 10.10 hits the street. Not really sure why albeit going backwards always felt like I was unable to learn something new. . .just me. . .:)

    I'm not concerned as much about learning new features in an operating system as much as I want to use one that suits my needs the best. At the moment Windows 7 meets my need far better than Windows 8.1 does. I have no need for apps and small improvement in boot up and shut down don't make it worth it for me at least.

    Overall, I want an OS that just does what it's supposed to, allow me to run the programs I want to. No more, no less. IMO, Windows 8.1 has too much fluff.
      My Computer

  8. Posts : 11,246
    Windows / Linux : Arch Linux

    Hi there

    I found W2003 SERVER actually the best OS -- I did a few things to get it to work as a desktop OS and it performed blindingly well -- It was based on W2000 and W2000 server rather than the "dumbed down" consumer version of XP. I still use it as a VM (it's still got a little while to go before EOL).

    I used the tips here to convert to a Desktop OS. ( I was lucky because I got W2K3 Server for FREE on a training program so I thought I'd still use it !!).

      My Computer

  9. Posts : 470
    Windows 10 Pro For Workstations

    jimbo45, post: 33034, member: 69 said:
    Hi there

    I found W2003 SERVER actually the best OS -- I did a few things to get it to work as a desktop OS and it performed blindingly well -- It was based on W2000 and W2000 server rather than the "dumbed down" consumer version of XP. I still use it as a VM (it's still got a little while to go before EOL).

    I used the tips here to convert to a Desktop OS. ( I was lucky because I got W2K3 Server for FREE on a training program so I thought I'd still use it !!).

    Did much the same thing with Windows Server 2008R2

    Works like a dream.
      My Computers

  10. Posts : 11,246
    Windows / Linux : Arch Linux

    Hi there.

    Thanks for that link -- I'm now playing around with Windows 2012 server to see if I can get that to work -- I gave up on Server 2008 as I could never get any sound system to work -- also video wasn't that good either. Windows 2012 server definitely seems "Workstationable" -- even with Windows 7 Classic games -- I might be an old fogey but I still like the old Hearts and spider solitaire --especially during boring meetings !!!).

    (W2008 server R2 might have fixed some of this stuff - but I thought I'd go straight for Server 2012 while my technet subscription is still active).

    These servers are fun using as work stations !!!

      My Computer


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