What would you like to see in Window 9?

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  1. Posts : 3,434
    Windows 10

    Kari, post: 2760, member: 11 said:
    I'm doing exactly this with native Windows 8.1 tools. Takes a minute or two to create, here's how:

    Create a batch file that launches all apps and programs needed using start /d command:
    start /d "%programfiles(x86)%\Microsoft Office\Office15\" Excel.exe
    start /d %windir%\System32\ calc.exe
    Syntax: start / d "path" executable file, a space between the path and executable file. Path in quotes if it contains spaces, the last command Exit closes the Command Prompt window when all commands in this batch are executed i.e. all programs launched. Batch works without the Exit command, too, but leaves the Command Prompt window open which then needs to be closed manually.

    Save your batch file anywhere you want to, I saved this small batch which opens Excel and Calculator as Project_Tools.bat in my Documents folder. Create a shortcut for your batch in C:\ProgramData\Microsoft\Windows\Start Menu\Programs.

    Now open the Charms Search, search for your shortcut:

    Right click it, select Pin to Start:

    That's it. You now have a Start Screen Tile which opens all your tools, apps and programs with a single click.

    That's pretty cool :)
      My Computers

  2. Posts : 17,661
    Windows 10 Pro

    It's indeed quite cool, and easy, just keep in your mind to put the shortcut to C:\ProgramData\Microsoft\Windows\Start Menu\Programs.
      My Computer

  3. Posts : 7,724
    3-Win-7Prox64 3-Win10Prox64 3-LinuxMint20.2

    What ever Microsoft decides to release,
    Of course Brink's tutorials to deactivate as much as possible :)
      My Computers

  4. Posts : 3,434
    Windows 10

    ThrashZone, post: 2782, member: 113 said:
    What ever Microsoft decides to release,
    Of course Brink's tutorials to deactivate as much as possible :)
      My Computers

  5. Posts : 5,833
    Dual boot Windows 10 FCU Pro x 64 & current Insider 10 Pro

    Kari, post: 2760, member: 11 said:
    I'm doing exactly this with native Windows 8.1 tools. Takes a minute or two to create
    I've been having PC problems, so I couldn't get to this straight way.

    Great stuff, Kari! Thank you! :)
      My Computers

  6. whs
    Posts : 1,935
    Windows 7

    - System restore and system imaging that work
    - Compatibility so that all my programs work
    - The good old Start menu
    - New applications that are useful - not just stuff that fills the screen
      My Computer

  7. Posts : 424
    Win-10 x86, Win-11 22H2, Win-11 24H2, V2

    I read through this topic and I didn't notice....anyone wanting to be able to, during the install process, tell windows that "I'm the owner, operator and BOSS of this thing so give me ALL privileges and permissions".

    Nothing creates more pure hatred for MS, than an OS telling me "you don't have permission", etc.
    I built this dang PC, I installed the OS and all the programs and I'm the ONLY operator, so if I don't have permission, just who in heck does??? Bill Gates? or God? Then who?

    So that's what I want.

    ( I sort of have that with XP, because I run it on a FAT-32 formatted HD, where I can boot up the PC with my DOS Utilities CD and go in and delete or rename any file on the HD as I wish)

    [I also run "Grant Admin Full Control". It's like "Take Ownership" on Steroids, which gets me past a lot of the permission limitations]

    ((I sort of do that also on any NTFS disk, by running "NTFS4DOS" from my Util's disk, that unlocks any NTFS HD, so I can access any file from a DOS Prompt.))
    Where there's a will, there's always a way. Eh?

    Cheers Mates!
      My Computer

  8. Posts : 3,434
    Windows 10

    I actually really like the way Windows 7 works. But I wouldn't mind seeing the 'wobbly windows' ala Linux...
      My Computers

  9. Posts : 5,286
    Win 10 Pro x64

    jimbo45, post: 2548, member: 69 said:

    ...I'd also like an easier method for REMOTE SHUT DOWN / REMOTE POWER ON / REMOTE RE-BOOT too.

    When I read this it quickly reminded me of the clapper switch. Hahaha. Well, it's actually not a bad idea. Why not? 1 clap to power up, 2 claps to re-boot and 3 claps to shutdown. No need to grab and press a remote control. :)

    When you say "remote" did you mean from outside your network? For LAN Unified Remote (via Android) is the best thing.
      My Computer

  10. Posts : 5,833
    Dual boot Windows 10 FCU Pro x 64 & current Insider 10 Pro

    badrobot, post: 3723, member: 124 said:
    When I read this it quickly reminded me of the clapper switch. Hahaha. Well, it's actually not a bad idea. Why not? 1 clap to power up, 2 claps to re-boot and 3 claps to shutdown. No need to grab and press a remote control. :)

    When you say "remote" did you mean from outside your network? For LAN Unified Remote (via Android) is the best thing.
    Some people are using a Wii remote here: http://www.eightforums.com/showthread.php?t=2444
      My Computers


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