What would you like to see in Window 9?

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  1. Posts : 17,661
    Windows 10 Pro

    Ok, booting directly to desktop without asking password so that's why you do not see this.
      My Computer

  2. Posts : 463

    Stephanie, post: 336, member: 25 said:
    I am hoping there will be a RC1 (with users feedback), I had this with Windows 7 and liked it :)
    They sort of did it with 8 but look what they churned out, 8.1 went farther afield.
    My wish list:
    1.Normal, usable desktop with start menu list of programs.
    2. BluRay/DVD burning with authoring
    3. Media player capable of playing lots more formats, ala VLC
    4. No registry
    5. No "Secure Boot" in the UEFI/BIOS
    6. Highly customizable
    7. Backwards compatibility with hardware and software
      My Computer

  3. Posts : 463

    Kari, post: 1154, member: 11 said:
    Ok, booting directly to desktop without asking password so that's why you do not see this.
    I don't use 8, but can one use it without a mandatory MS account?
      My Computer

  4. Posts : 17,661
    Windows 10 Pro

    Yes you can. For instance a workaround for the issue I described is to use a so called Local Account, name it as you please, then manually connect a so called Microsoft Account (= email) to apps you need. For instance if you want to use Windows Store from a local account, when run first time it asks which Microsoft Account should be connected to it. Same with Mail, Messages, Games Apps and so on.

    Log in locally, select an email to connect with various apps you want to use.
      My Computer

  5. Posts : 983
    Windows 7/64 Professional

    How about the way you buy a Microsoft product. My preferred way.
    1. Choose the program or operating system from Microsoft site and fill in the order form.
    2. Send payment. Credit or debit card or mail a check. When payment has been verified Microsoft mails a DVD. I understand their will be a extra charge for the DVD and mailing.

    **The reasons I like this simple method are several.
    Now I don't have to download it and worry about whether the download was perfect. I don't have to worry about whether the burn to a DVD is perfect and all the things that go along with that. The proper burn speed and burn program and just the right DVD for my burner of choice.
    Now with my method you have a DVD from Microsoft that I have alway found perfect. I install the program using the DVD and then put the DVD in a nice new little plastic house I have for it along with the authorization code. If I ever have a problem with the program the cure is probably in the little plastic house with the OEM DVD.
    How many times have you seen a post something like this and correctly so for someone who has a in house DVD.

    ** Your copy might be corrupted. Download another and burn a new DVD using this program and set the speed xxx ect. Remove the program and reinstall.
    B/S I want the OEM DVD in its little plastic house protected, in my desk drawer.
    I don't want to lease the program or rent it by the month or year.
    I always want the option to buy a OEM DVD.
      My Computers

  6. Posts : 11,246
    Windows / Linux : Arch Linux

    Hi everybody

    There's nothing wrong with more integration between mobile apps and a desktop / laptop PC - so in addition to a desktop UI (able to switch Metro off for Enterprise users) i'd like to see some decent Multi-media STREAMING apps so I could start say an app on a laptop and watch it via wi-fi on a remote TV - I can currently Hack this around via a phone picking up a file from the computer and then using the Phone app to transmit via wifi to a wi-fi receiver which then connects to the TV -- works but is a bit of a "get around" - having to remotely access the file via a phone app like ES-FILE EXPLORER and using VLC for android (or other player) to play it and then mirror the phone screen to the TV via my Wi-Fi piece of kit -- the Samsung S4 phone outputs at full 1080p HD so decent quality on the TV.

    With a smart TV the laptop would act as a sort of "cloud server" and the smart tv could just retrieve the multi-media stream from the Lan address of the laptop (acting as the cloud server). Accessing a NAS Disk also and remotely playing the video / audio should also be possible.

    @[USER=11]Kari[/USER] -- like your choice of DECENT Scotch !!!! just off for a wee nightcap of Lagavulin -- peaty Isle of Sky single malt. - Delicious - but expensive.

    (Will update avatar etc later -- have only just discovered this interesting Forum - great to see other well known people from 7 and 8 too).

      My Computer

  7. Posts : 8

    So many suggestions I agree with.
    As a hard core XP'er ... and Win7 ludite for about 12 months ... I have slowly seen the 7-light.
    I can read! So junior Lego blocks to make things happen are just an insult

    Gimme as options...
    Start menu
    Boot to desktop
    customizable dialog colors (WinExp in Win8 is near impossible to decipher WinExp boundaries)
    Lists that read top to bottom (not left to right, next line, left to right), ie, Control Panel.
    Menus without junior Lego block ribbons/structures.
    Consideration for laptops small real estate, tiles just fill up the screen, without serving any added benefit.
    - swiping the screen to see more features when the same info could be in a list without having to swipe
    - swiping with a mouse is absurd
    XP Classic desktop and start menu. (Why should I have to buy more grunt just to display the non-productive frills)
    a "Win8 Reader" that displays PDF file contents (had a 213 page PDF on a Win8 pc yesterday and had to scroll to find my page)

    I am not against bells and whistles. But atleast give me the option to chose.

    Rant of a serious AutoCad'er and Excel number cruncher.
      My Computer

  8. Posts : 30
    Windows 10 Home 64-bit

    I'd like to see the Start menu come back. Microsoft completely ignored us by giving us a button to get back to Windows 8 not the Start menu.

    Then I'd like to see a better way to shut down. Even a button on the taskbar would be great. Microsoft probably doesn't even think we shut down/restart even though we DO.
      My Computer

  9. Posts : 8

    As a paid up member of the Ludites museum ...
    ohh how I miss the XP shut-down window, no listbox, ... Alt+F4 > U ... to shut down ... didn't have to touch the mouse
    So many choices in Win7/8 ... fries (large or small) , Coke (1 gallon or 2), coffee? ... just gimme a burger! No smart stuff :shifty:
    They were heady days of simplicity !
      My Computer

  10. Posts : 17,661
    Windows 10 Pro

    bawldiggle, post: 2277, member: 87 said:
    As a paid up member of the Ludites museum ...
    ohh how I miss the XP shut-down window, no listbox, ... Alt+F4 > U ... to shut down ... didn't have to touch the mouse
    So many choices in Win7/8 ... fries (large or small) , Coke (1 gallon or 2), coffee? ... just gimme a burger! No smart stuff :shifty:
    They were heady days of simplicity !
    This quite idiotic "I'm so funny" post quoted above is a good example of the obstacles Windows 8 has met and will be meeting.

    The user really doesn't have a clue of the facts but as he / she assumes something, he / she has decided this assumption is a fact and can be spread as such. The really bad "joke" makes it even more painful to read.

    I shut down my Windows 8.1 from desktop with two key strokes: ALT + F4 and ENTER.

    Of course the desktop must be active to do so, exactly as in XP, in other words if an app or a window is active ALT + F4 closes it (the active app or window), showing the shut down dialog only when the desktop is active when the keys are pressed.
      My Computer


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