All OK before performing Reset of PC. Now dead
Well, I thought I knew what I was doing. The computer is an Acer Veriton VN4620G-i5333X. Originally a Windows 8 computer that I upgraded to 10 when 10 was released long ago. The upgrade went seamlessly. The computer has been sitting idle for a couple years. I decided I would try to sell it. To wipe any chance of my data from it I performed a Reset of PC to erase everything and start over. That is when it all went South.
The reset appeared to be progressing OK until I noticed the PC rebooting over and over again. Finally to display a message that something was corrupted. I decided to use the Windows 10 Media Creation Tool and boot to the flash drive. Again, everything looked fine. It even got to the Hello etc. Never actually got to the desktop. The last action it started to perform was applying any needed updates. A while later it is started rebooting over and over again.
I tried several things, but now it is even worse. The computer will start to boot and almost immediately shutdown.
Can anyone offer an idea to save this little PC?