Files showing up as data taken up on disk, but now visible on Windows
Windows 64 bit Pro
This is the situation:
1. Installed windows on laptop
2. Took the disk form laptop and put it in desktop
3. Copied files from desktop disk to laptop disk
- Copied and pasted files show up on destination disk no problem.
IV. Put disk with new data back in laptop
- Files don't show up, but disk is still half full, so data is there, I just can't see it.
V. Put disk back into desktop to check, data is there, I just can't see it.
VI. Put disk into external USB drive and connect to desktop, data is there, I just can't see it.
The disk including OS has 80 gigs or data taken, so it IS there, just can't see it, tried to go in explorer and show hidden files and folders, permissions "seem" to be ok...