Windows Scipt Host popup

  1. Posts : 2
    Windows 10

    Windows Scipt Host popup

    I have been having an issue for a couple months where I receive this Windows Script Host popup at random times stating that a certain VBS is not found. I have searched many forums for others who have similar problems, but the solutions are not working for me. I have tried going into REGEDIT and disabling the error, but it has not worked. I have also downloaded WinFix 10 and tried disabling the error, but still nothing. At this point I am hoping that someone can take the time to look at my specific issue to determine how to fix it.

    The popup does not show up at startup, but usually within 5-10 minutes. If i close it, it will come back about 20 mins later. I usually just leave it open to avoid it popping up again, but it gets in the way and is obviously annoying. I have not noticed any pattern of what causes the error. For example, i could turn on the computer and not open anything, and it will pop up eventually. I can close it and still not open anything one computer, and it will pop up again.

    I would greatly appreciate it if someone could help me fix the problem. I'd be happy to provide any info you need to diagnose the issue. I attached a screenshot of the error; if it does not show up let me know and i will sent it a different way.

    Thank you!

    Windows Scipt Host popup-windows-script-host-error.jpg
      My Computer

  2. Posts : 8,519
    windows 10

    Welcome to the forum. Does the file or folder exist on the pc have you had any malware block recantlyas this may be whats left over.

    Chances are its running as a shedule check there to see if you can see it
      My Computer

  3. Posts : 599
    Windows 10 Home

    As mentioned by another poster, it may be a scheduled task. Download Autoruns.

    Unzip the files, find them in File Explorer, right-click "autoruns.exe" and select "Run as Administrator" . When Autoruns starts, click on "Scheduled Tasks" at the top and look for a yellow line. If you see one, left-click once on it and see if the information at the bottom of the window matches what you see in the popup. If it does, remove the check mark from that line.

      My Computer

  4. Posts : 2
    Windows 10
    Thread Starter

    Ben Myers said:
    As mentioned by another poster, it may be a scheduled task. Download Autoruns.

    Unzip the files, find them in File Explorer, right-click "autoruns.exe" and select "Run as Administrator" . When Autoruns starts, click on "Scheduled Tasks" at the top and look for a yellow line. If you see one, left-click once on it and see if the information at the bottom of the window matches what you see in the popup. If it does, remove the check mark from that line.

    Thank you Ben! That does indeed show up in that list. I unchecked it, and there were 2 other entries for programs I uninstalled in the past, so i went ahead and unchecked them too. There are 2 red lines which i will include a screenshot of; are they anything to be concerned about? I see that one of them is already unchecked.

    Windows Scipt Host popup-autoruns-results.jpg
    Attached Thumbnails Attached Thumbnails Windows Scipt Host popup-autoruns-results.jpg  
      My Computer

  5. Posts : 599
    Windows 10 Home

    The unchecked one should already be disabled. There seems to be conflicting information on the Internet about the "gathernetworkinfo.vbs" file. You might consider starting a new thread on this.

      My Computer

  6. Posts : 4,224
    Windows 10

    Here's some good info on gathernetworkinfo.vbs: The GatherNetworkinfo.vbs Script Anything about IT. Looks benign. Just to be doubly sure, I submitted the latest version from inside the WinSxS file hierarchy and VirusTotal gave it a completely clean (0/57 detections) bill of health.
      My Computers


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