jpg's and mp3's not grouping correctly in File Explorer

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  1. Posts : 101
    Windows 10

    jpg's and mp3's not grouping correctly in File Explorer

    I'm using Win 10 Pro, Version 1803, OS Build 17134.285
    I have found, while using File Explorer, that some jpg's and mp3's will not be grouped together by use of "Name" in File Explorer, like most are. I've included a screen shot for clarification.
    I use MP3Tag for all mp3's and I have tried to find discrepancies i.e.: misspelling, punctuation, spaces anything that might cause a problem but I have not been able to find any. I use a number at the end of each jpg to indicate record cover and album cover in case you're wondering why the numbers, 1=record, 2=album. Just wondering if it could have anything to do with the "Title" of the mp3? I've used a separate folder and placed the mp3s and jpg's just to see what would happen and I end up with the same result as if it would be in the primary folder. I've also placed the separate mp3 and jpgs in a separate folder and, needless to say I have no problem.
    The reason why I'm asking this is because I had the album and record but I found the mp3 to match clear down at least one screen (screen shows only about 12 mp3s with record and album cover) which makes you think you don't have the mp3 to match. If it's "Title" then I'll have to live with it.
    Attached Thumbnails Attached Thumbnails jpg's and mp3's not grouping correctly in File Explorer-example.jpg  
      My Computer

  2. Posts : 45,437
    Win 10 Pro (22H2) (2nd PC is 22H2)

    Try omitting the spaces before the numbers or using e.g.
      My Computers

  3. Posts : 14,054
    Windows 11 Pro X64 22H2 22621.1848

    Has to do with natural vs numeric sort order perhaps? Just talked about that in another thread. See here: File Explorer sort by date not accurate
      My Computers

  4. Posts : 2,487
    Windows 10 Home, 64-bit

    Is the sort based on ASCII?

    That has 128 characters, one of which is a blank space.

    I'd guess that a blank space is earlier in the ASCII character order than a period.

    So "can't get enough space" would sort earlier than "can't get enough period".

    This seeming anomaly can come in handy at times. You can force a folder or file name to appear at the top of a list by putting an underscore character in front of it. _Zorro will sort ahead of Aardvarks.

    Ascii Table - ASCII character codes and html, octal, hex and decimal chart conversion

      My Computer

  5. Posts : 101
    Windows 10
    Thread Starter

    dalchina: you cannot omit the numbers as windowss will ask to overwrite the first jpg if they have the same name. Secondly a dash won't work because you will have the same outcome as I have now. If you look at the screenshot you see that the mp3 follows the numbers in all cases BUT in the case in qusetion is WHY is it different? Is it because of the name? How does Windows SORT or what does it use to determine what goes where? In all but some odd cases, ALL mp3's follow in sequence, i.e.:1,2,mp3. and the question is WHY is only a few not following the sequence?
    You can add () with a number after each and every mp3 which would only be in the "Filename" column, but I think that would be impractical as it would add more time in tagging your mp3s, or you could add the same () to each file you found that doesn't follow the criteria and the only way to find them is by going through every jpg with the mp3. Just think, I've only got about 3000 mp3s to do this to, there are people out the that have a much larger collection than I.
      My Computer

  6. Posts : 2,487
    Windows 10 Home, 64-bit

    Did you try Can't Get Enough1.mp3 and Can't Get Enough2.mp3 instead of Can't Get Enough 1.mp3 and Can't Get Enough 2.mp3?

    You could use a renaming application to delete that space on all files in a folder.
      My Computer

  7. Posts : 101
    Windows 10
    Thread Starter

    Found the problem. The problem starts with the sort in Windows, It uses the first word in the mp3 and then groups them together. For Example, I had a number of songs that started with the word "Don't", I had a song called "Don't", the jpg's were at the beginning of the sequence, however after going down to the last song in about 30, I found the single song "Don't". I've noticed that since I've been paying attention as to when the problem would occur. The only way I was to match song with jpg's is to use () with a number within the parenthesis, in most cases I would use 1 unless I had a number of songs with the same name and needless to say the number would be in sequence. In my opinion the problem is solved unless someone(Microsoft Programmer) knows exactly how windows does its sort and I would love to see that.
      My Computer

  8. Posts : 45,437
    Win 10 Pro (22H2) (2nd PC is 22H2)

    dalchina: you cannot omit the numbers as windowss will ask to overwrite the first jpg
    I never suggested or mentioned doing that.

    Secondly a dash won't work b
    - It did for me, sorry it doesn't for you.

    You might find this of interest:
    Enable or Disable Numerical Sorting in File Explorer in Windows 10 | Windows 10 Tutorials
    Last edited by dalchina; 10 Oct 2018 at 03:50.
      My Computers

  9. Posts : 101
    Windows 10
    Thread Starter

    Dalchina: Sorry about the misunderstanding, my fault. Turning the Numerical Sorting may work for numbers, looking at the example given tn the begining of the tutorial, but if the jpgs are the only files in the folder that has numbers and the mp3 does not, I don't understand how that would work. I could see if each mp3 had a number as well as the jpgs then I would try it and see what happens. As it stands now, by putting a () with a number behind each instance where the files don't group works just fine. What I don't understand is why all others will group where in only certain instances, especially where there is a number of jpgs and mp3s that have the same name, won't.
    I've added a screen shot as an example. If you notice, all songs and jpgs start with "Fire", note the arrows and the last. The grouping is on "Name" I've tried "-" and removing the space between the jpg number and they don't work. Windows is dumb, it doesn't know the difference between words, it sees "Fire" and sorts, then it moves on to the next word, if there is one, and so on, but it does recognize numbers and sorts on that criteria. So, in order to make the sorting understand what goes where, a number is the most logical method. The second screen shot is adding the () with a number "1" and you can see the results, all are grouped. Dummy me didn't see this until I started really paying attention as to when the problem occurred, now I know how to fix it. I will, however try using the tutorial out of curiosity, just to see what happens.
    Attached Thumbnails Attached Thumbnails jpg's and mp3's not grouping correctly in File Explorer-shot-1.jpg   jpg's and mp3's not grouping correctly in File Explorer-shot-2.jpg  
      My Computer

  10. Posts : 3,057
    Windows 10 Pro for the Bro

    (I barely read everyone's post on here, but got a general understanding about things posted here.)

    I agree with xpac that the numbering system should be slightly more advanced in this operating system.

    So for example, suppose a folder has files:
    • name.jpg
    • something.jpg
    • word.jpg
    • zzz.jpg
    then Windows Explorer can ignore the names of those files, and just list them alphabetically

    YET, let's assume that additional files are now added into that folder: word 1.jpg & word 2.jpg
    then it would be nice if Windows Explorer notices those two files are similarly named to a file in that folder already, and notices that those files have numbers listed after the name, and would list the files as such:
    • name.jpg
    • something.jpg
    • word.jpg
    • word 1.jpg
    • word 2.jpg
    • zzz.jpg
    I don't understand why no one at Microsoft has figured out this little math problem yet.
      My Computer


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