How to get rid of Startup password for good?

  1. Posts : 1
    Windows 10

    How to get rid of Startup password for good?

    I have tried so many times. I disable sign-in password on "netplwiz" and "Sign-in options" And at first it works. But either a few days or weeks later, I get the sign-in password option again.(sometimes it pops up when the computer awakes from it's sleep without turning it on) I check "Netplwix" and Sign-in options" and nothing was touch, but always have to reset the settings to be able to get rid of sign-in options again. But in he end, it just eventually come back.

    Is there a way for me to get rid of that for good? Is there a button on my keyboard that I am accidentally touching that's reactivating it manually or something? It's a little annoying to fix once in awhile.
      My Computer

  2. xTL
    Posts : 396
    Windows 10 Pro 64-Bit

    Hello Scotpowel, Welcome to tenforums :)

    First make sure you are using a local account.
    Switch to Local Account in Windows 10 | Windows 10 Tutorials

    Then simply follow this guide and remove the password
    Remove Password of Local Account in Windows 10 | Windows 10 Tutorials

    That should be it.
      My Computer


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