What to use to clean my laptop monitor screen?

  1. Posts : 37
    Windows 10 X64

    What to use to clean my laptop monitor screen?

    Hi, What do I use use to & how to fully clean my laptop monitor screen?
      My Computer

  2. Posts : 19,533
    W11+W11 Developer Insider + Linux

    There are myriad of products for cleaning TV and monitor screens resembling windows cleaners. Some are foam and some liquid and usually contain a micro fiber cloth. Even that kind of cloth is enough for regular cleaning if kiddies don't leave their greasy fingers all over the screen. I'm using some Hama Screen cleaner like this hama.com | 99084189 Hama TFT/LCD/Plasma Screen Cleaner, 250 ml . It's German made and may not be available there but I found a cleaning liquid, made locally which is much cheaper and equally effective.
      My Computers


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