October Update Features Missing

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  1. Posts : 4,453
    Win 11 Pro 22000.708

    ThrashZone said:
    Careful what you wish for
    MS skipped the insiders for this build I believe
    Nope. 17763.1, same as the most recent Fast and Slow insider builds.

    Or is this an unfunny joke?

    I haven't had problems with the build, which I've been using since it appeared in the Fast lane, but it wouldn't surprise me if others did. (It'd be unusual if no one had issues.)
      My Computers

  2. Posts : 1,463
    Windows 10 Pro 22H2 64 bit

    Bree said:
    After a successful upgrade to a new version, 1803 in your case, as I understand it there is a 30 day 'rest' period before the automatic windows update will see and try to update to a newer features update like 1809. This would be why you aren't seeing it when you check for updates.

    As others have said, the Update Assistant should be able to update you to 1809.
    Bree, you misread his post 3. He updated to 1803 on May 2. When he ran WU on Oct 2 it did cumulative updates but did not offer 1809.

      My Computer

  3. Posts : 25
    Windows 10 x64
    Thread Starter
      My Computer


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