See the first code in post # 17.
The setupact log reported that it did not find a bootable partition.
It finds a storage drive or a gendisk?
It is unclear why it reports this in the log.
2018-10-03 18:24:20, Info CONX ConX::Compatibility::CBootCriticalDeviceList::Initialize: Detected boot-critical device (ClassGuid = {71a27cdd-812a-11d0-bec7-08002be2092f}, ServiceName = volume): storage\volume
2018-10-03 18:24:20, Info CONX pIsDriverBootCritical: Start type of service mouhid: 3
2018-10-03 18:24:20, Info CONX pIsDriverBootCritical: Start type of service HidUsb: 3
2018-10-03 18:24:20, Info CONX pIsDriverBootCritical: Start type of service spaceport: 0
2018-10-03 18:24:20, Info CONX ConX::Compatibility::CBootCriticalDeviceList::Initialize: Detected boot-critical device (ClassGuid = {4d36e97b-e325-11ce-bfc1-08002be10318}, ServiceName = spaceport): root\spaceport
2018-10-03 18:24:20, Info CONX pIsDriverBootCritical: Start type of service HidUsb: 3
2018-10-03 18:24:20, Info CONX pIsDriverBootCritical: Start type of service volume: 0
2018-10-03 18:24:20, Info CONX pIsDriverBootCritical: Start type of service HidBth: 3
2018-10-03 18:24:20, Info CONX pIsDriverBootCritical: Start type of service HidBth: 3
2018-10-03 18:24:20, Info CONX pIsDriverBootCritical: Start type of service i8042prt: 3
2018-10-03 18:24:20, Info CONX pIsDriverBootCritical: Start type of service storahci: 0
2018-10-03 18:24:20, Info CONX ConX::Compatibility::CBootCriticalDeviceList::Initialize: Detected boot-critical device (ClassGuid = {4d36e96a-e325-11ce-bfc1-08002be10318}, ServiceName = storahci): pci\ven_8086&dev_a102&subsys_79941462&rev_31
2018-10-03 18:24:20, Info CONX ConX::Compatibility::CBootCriticalDeviceList::Initialize: Detected boot-critical device (ClassGuid = {4d36e96a-e325-11ce-bfc1-08002be10318}, ServiceName = storahci): pci\ven_8086&dev_a102&subsys_79941462
2018-10-03 18:24:20, Info CONX ConX::Compatibility::CBootCriticalDeviceList::Initialize: Detected boot-critical device (ClassGuid = {4d36e96a-e325-11ce-bfc1-08002be10318}, ServiceName = storahci): pci\ven_8086&dev_a102&cc_010601
2018-10-03 18:24:20, Info CONX ConX::Compatibility::CBootCriticalDeviceList::Initialize: Detected boot-critical device (ClassGuid = {4d36e96a-e325-11ce-bfc1-08002be10318}, ServiceName = storahci): pci\ven_8086&dev_a102&cc_0106
2018-10-03 18:24:20, Info CONX pIsDriverBootCritical: Start type of service disk: 0
2018-10-03 18:24:20, Info CONX ConX::Compatibility::CBootCriticalDeviceList::Initialize: Detected boot-critical device (ClassGuid = {4d36e967-e325-11ce-bfc1-08002be10318}, ServiceName = disk): scsi\disksandisk_______sdssda480gz320
2018-10-03 18:24:20, Info CONX ConX::Compatibility::CBootCriticalDeviceList::Initialize: Detected boot-critical device (ClassGuid = {4d36e967-e325-11ce-bfc1-08002be10318}, ServiceName = disk): scsi\disksandisk_______sdssda480g
2018-10-03 18:24:20, Info CONX ConX::Compatibility::CBootCriticalDeviceList::Initialize: Detected boot-critical device (ClassGuid = {4d36e967-e325-11ce-bfc1-08002be10318}, ServiceName = disk): scsi\disksandisk_
2018-10-03 18:24:20, Info CONX ConX::Compatibility::CBootCriticalDeviceList::Initialize: Detected boot-critical device (ClassGuid = {4d36e967-e325-11ce-bfc1-08002be10318}, ServiceName = disk): scsi\sandisk_______sdssda480gz
2018-10-03 18:24:20, Info CONX ConX::Compatibility::CBootCriticalDeviceList::Initialize: Detected boot-critical device (ClassGuid = {4d36e967-e325-11ce-bfc1-08002be10318}, ServiceName = disk): sandisk_______sdssda480gz
2018-10-03 18:24:20, Info CONX ConX::Compatibility::CBootCriticalDeviceList::Initialize: Detected boot-critical device (ClassGuid = {4d36e967-e325-11ce-bfc1-08002be10318}, ServiceName = disk): gendisk
A backup image gives you more flexibility for trial and error steps.
Backup images are not always 100 %.
The most efficient and effective management plan appears to be clean install as commented by Brink earlier in the thread.