Icons, Text size and other things change or get scrambled

  1. Posts : 105
    Windows 10 Pro, 64 bit 21H2 19042.1826

    Icons, Text size and other things change or get scrambled

    Hi, I would like to report some weird behavior on my PC and get adequate help for it.

    My problem pertains about Icons on my Desktop who get scrambled, or Fonts I set in Winaero Tweaker to enlarge text for Menu's, Statusbar etc who are set back without my intervention. Usually when I reboot, but not every time.

    I also use DesktopOK to save my Icon layout and there are times DesktopOK can put them back and other times when its to no avail. In Winaero Tweaker I set the horizontal & vertical spacing of my Desktop icons to a certain number I like and also this gets messed up. And the Taskbar gets bigger too!

    I already tried sfc/scannow, DISM, Ccleaner & Thumbnail and Icon Cache Rebuilder found here:
    Rebuild Icon Cache, Clear Thumbnail cache in Windows 10

    When I use tools ShellBag Analyzer or PrivaZer v3.0.53 my problems are gone, for a day, or two, but quickly come back, what could be the cause?

    PrivaZer v3.0.53: Free PC cleaner - Download
    ShellBag Analyzer: Free PC cleaner - Download

    PS Windows 10 Pro 64 bit, Drivers and the majority of my Software is up to date, and no AV problems.

    Please advise...
      My Computer

  2. Posts : 105
    Windows 10 Pro, 64 bit 21H2 19042.1826
    Thread Starter

    Forgot to add screenshots.
    The first two are examples of how my layout is messed up.

    Icons, Text size and other things change or get scrambled-desktop-scrambled.png

    Take a look how different they look to eachother.

    Icons, Text size and other things change or get scrambled-desktop-scrambled1.png

    This is how I like it...

    Icons, Text size and other things change or get scrambled-desktop-i-want-.png

    Please note the difference in Taskbar sizes between the first screenshot and the last (the way I want it to look).
      My Computer

  3. Posts : 5,210
    Windows 11 Pro 64 Bit 22H2

    The problem isn't with Windows, but with Winareo Tweaker, and Desktop OK. these settings in these program are not being saved on reboot.and changing. Do you have the latest versions of these programs? Have your reinstalled these after the last big Windows Update?
    You do not need 3rd party apps to space your Icons, or make your icons larger. Windows has built in settings that can change the size of the icons and if you uncheck Auto Arrange Icons, and Align Icons to Grid, you can move the icons anywhere you like and they will stay there.
      My Computer

  4. Posts : 105
    Windows 10 Pro, 64 bit 21H2 19042.1826
    Thread Starter

    Hi Spunk, yes I have the latest version of Winaero Tweaker and Desktop OK.
    My problem occurred before I installed Winaero Tweaker and I was hoping it would cure my issues.

    Yea I updated Windows first. Started from an Image I made shortly after I installed Windows 10 Pro for the first time. I did a fresh restart so to speak, updated my OS & Drivers, then installed and updated all my Software, and finally tweaked my Settings... In the first few days I didn't bother with the appearance of Windows, so I couldn't pinpoint when my problems arised. I've tried alot of things, and nothing seem to help, or last very long, but on the elventh hour I found two possible reasons.

    One was my Region and Language settings in Control Panel. Most were set to Belgium and Dutch but one of those settings was still in English, and I think this was the reason my system buckled. I assume this caused a conflict. Since I tweaked those settings and copied them to my account, or any account I create thereafter my problems were gone. For now at least

    There was definately an issue there because for instance I set Winaero (Advanced Appearance Settings) to have Bold fonts on my Icons, Menu's, Status bar etc and the moment I set my Region and Language settings to Belguim and Dutch the settings I set in Winaero were gone. Or should I say the crippled effects were gone.

    I mean just before that the size of the text I set was Segoe UI 11 Bold, and due to the conflict it was reverted back to a smaller font, or my Icons changed position etc..The size shrinked back to a default setting, yet the Bold remained. So yes something was astray.

    The second thing I noticed was in Regedit --> forgot the exact key --> Fonts.
    Segoe UI was there but had no value set. Also when I tweaked my settings in Winaero Segoe UI wasn't set in the top left box, whereas other Fonts I selected stayed there. I hope you understand what I'm trying to say LOL

    Anyway I found a solution on another site where I could merge all the different Segoe UI types into my registry, and since then my problems are gone. To illustrate, I just took a screenshot from Winaero, and as I said in the top left box you now see Segoe UI, and before I tweaked my registry --> Fonts that box was empty. I could scroll down and select Segoe UI, but the next time I opened Winaero that box was empty again. So there was a conflict with my Fonts. No doubt about that!

    Icons, Text size and other things change or get scrambled-capture-20181003-155216.png

    Well, I still have to tweak my settings again in Winaero to enlarge Icon- Message- and Menu texts to Bold and the size I prefer and then I will know after a couple of days if those two things I mentioned really did the trick. But I think so... until further notice
      My Computer


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