Win 10 Boot Order

  1. Posts : 33
    Win 10

    Win 10 Boot Order

    Just got my new Win 10 all setup and working very nicely. Concerned about the ability to boot using a usb or dvd device if there's ever hdd problems. My HP boot order shows

    UEFI Boot Sources

    Windows Boot Manager
    USB Floppy/CD
    USB Hard Drive
    ATAPI CD/DVD Drive
    Legacy Boot Sources : Disabled

    So is Windows Boot Manager referring to the hdd?
    Should boot order in a comp be usb, dvd, hard drive? In case hdd isn't working?
    What does usb cd refer to? What is a usb hdd....the internal hdd or external? These descriptions above are
      My Computer

  2. Posts : 8,392
    windows 10

    If you get problems with hd then you can enter the bios and change order changing it for normal use could slow the boot proccess while it looks for other devices to boot. If secure boot is enabled you are limited what it will boot from
      My Computer

  3. Posts : 33
    Win 10
    Thread Starter

    So still what does each of those items refer to exactly?
      My Computer

  4. Posts : 56,970
    Multi-boot Windows 10/11 - RTM, RP, Beta, and Insider

    jak834 said:
    So still what does each of those items refer to exactly?

    Windows Boot Manager
    USB Floppy/CD
    USB Hard Drive
    ATAPI CD/DVD Drive
    Legacy Boot Sources : Disabled

    The order of these items indicates where the BIOS will transfer control and attempt to boot the system from.
    The BIOS will attempt each in order until it finds one that succeeds.

    With "Windows Boot Manager", it is further defined by which OS is listed as "Default" in the BCD (Boot Configuration Data). Example here. If you go into the MSCONFIG, and have multiple OSs defined, it boots from the one defined as "Default OS". Here's a pic of mine. Most users do not have more than one OS configured, I have several because I dual-boot.

    Win 10 Boot Order-2018-09-29_18h38_48.png
      My Computers

  5. Posts : 33
    Win 10
    Thread Starter

    Thank you!
      My Computer


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