Repeatedly asked to verify user agreement?

  1. Posts : 356
    Windows 10 (Home Ed.)

    Repeatedly asked to verify user agreement?

    Hi. I notice that some programmes I have installed ask me to verify the user agreement every time I start them, not just first time round. I assume that this is some quirk of Windows 10? Is there something I need to do to make my agreement 'stick'? Thanks.
      My Computers

  2. Posts : 356
    Windows 10 (Home Ed.)
    Thread Starter

    An example (sorry, I should have given one) is EditPad Lite, which I use as my default text reader/editor. It was always fine in WinXP and Win7... Now this...
      My Computers

  3. Posts : 240
    Dual Boot Windows 11 & 10, usually latest version

    Try re-installing editpad lite Windows Text Editor Free Download If that cures the problem, then the other problem programs may need updating to work with the current W10.
      My Computers

  4. Posts : 356
    Windows 10 (Home Ed.)
    Thread Starter

    It was the programmes themselves. I uninstalled them and went back to earlier versions (I archive all the installation files I download - have done for 20 years now! Quite a collection by now...), and the problem has now gone. Odd though... there seems no way to disable the user agreement coming up and your having to agree to it every time you open a file: not too many people would have the patience to keep that going!
      My Computers

  5. Posts : 240
    Dual Boot Windows 11 & 10, usually latest version

    I doubt it was ever intended to keep happening. Maybe the "I Agree" was stored in a cookie that got deleted! Glad you can fix it. If you are satisfied with the solution, Please mark this thread solved.
      My Computers


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