Reporting defects or suggestions to Ms How please

  1. Posts : 11,246
    Windows / Linux : Arch Linux

    Reporting defects or suggestions to Ms How please

    Hi folks

    what's the procedure with reporting problems to Ms

    I've posted in the office section of the forums a few times that since a few updates ago it's almost impossible to configure non standard type email accounts manually -- the old menus are gone - there's just one new one - it does have a box which says manual but it does nothing unless you enter an email address and that's where the fun starts as it tries to connect -- hopeless if non standard mail servers etc. (It's fine for standard accounts / gmail etc but exchange or other type servers with various user names / passwords ?????.

    There's still an obscure applet in the control panel (Mail) - that does work and you see the old classical setup menus but given the fact that control panel will disappear then what.

    I've seen somewhere there's a reporting tool to send to Ms but not sure of where it is or how to do it.


      My Computer

  2. Posts : 17,661
    Windows 10 Pro

    jimbo45 said:
    I've seen somewhere there's a reporting tool to send to Ms but not sure of where it is or how to do it.
    Use Feedback Hub (Start > F > Feedback Hub).
      My Computer

  3. Posts : 11,246
    Windows / Linux : Arch Linux
    Thread Starter

    Hi there

    Thanks Kari

      My Computer

  4. Posts : 5,187
    Windows 11 Pro 64 Bit 22H2

    The Control Panel should always be around, they are just going to hide it better.
    Using the Mail app in Control Panel gives you what you are looking for. Be sure to Uncheck Automatically Test Account Settings.
    In addition, if you click on the Mail App under Apps,. Once it fails to connect it gives you the option to choose Exchange ActiveSync or configure Internet Email
      My Computer


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