Reporting defects or suggestions to Ms How please
Hi folks
what's the procedure with reporting problems to Ms
I've posted in the office section of the forums a few times that since a few updates ago it's almost impossible to configure non standard type email accounts manually -- the old menus are gone - there's just one new one - it does have a box which says manual but it does nothing unless you enter an email address and that's where the fun starts as it tries to connect -- hopeless if non standard mail servers etc. (It's fine for standard accounts / gmail etc but exchange or other type servers with various user names / passwords ?????.
There's still an obscure applet in the control panel (Mail) - that does work and you see the old classical setup menus but given the fact that control panel will disappear then what.
I've seen somewhere there's a reporting tool to send to Ms but not sure of where it is or how to do it.