Little to no keyboard input on windows 10 login screen

  1. Posts : 2
    Windows 10

    Little to no keyboard input on windows 10 login screen

    I have encountered an issue where only the space bar and enter keys work on login.

    Below is a step by step of what I have found so far:

    1. I restarted my computer - and tried to enter my pin and noticed that nothing was happening and i could not log in but the enter and space keys were working.
    2. I then walked through the change pin process - it through me back to the login screen and inputs worked again.
    3. I then tried running the hardware and device troubleshooter and it found no issues.
    4. I then downloaded the windows diagnostic tool - it repaired two issues in relation to a windows update, on in regards to a corrupt database and another which i cant remember.
    5. I restarted after it fixed these issues and I could log in fine.
    6. I then restarted again to be 100% sure it worked - and behold the issue was back again.
    7. As long as I go into the reset pin process and come back into the login screen again I can then enter my pin.

    I dont know what has caused this issue and if anyone else has encountered it but is there any fixes or other potential solutions could try to resolve this?

    Am thinking at the moment I may have to do a clean install of windows 10 but I would like to avoid that if I can.
      My Computer

  2. Posts : 5,477

    Is your PIN numeric? If so have you got NumLock on?
      My Computer

  3. Posts : 2
    Windows 10
    Thread Starter

    lx07 said:
    Is your PIN numeric? If so have you got NumLock on?
    It is indeed numeric I have attempted to use my numpad and keys at the top of my KB - also to make a side not I cant enable numlock because the input isnt working.

    I also tried signing in with my actual account password when I discovered that - and inputs arent picked up there as well.

    When trying both methods the only keys that actually do anything are enter and space.
      My Computer

  4. Posts : 15,227
    Windows 10 IoT

    I had a simialr issue happen to me, no keyboard responce when trying to enter my PIN. Mine was also all numeric. I don't know if any other keys worked, can't remeber what exactly I tried, it was several weeks ago when it happened. I tried a different keyboard no go. I had BIOS access with both keyboards so I determined it wasn't a keyboard issue. After several reboots it started working again, and hasn't happened since? I was just about to do a repair or reinstall and everything was fine again? I have no idea what happened? I do remeber that I couldn't toggle it to password entery, my trackpad didn't work, couldn't move my cursor.
      My Computer


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