The above command created this entry on C::
The OP then needs to search for photo.txt file.Code:Microsoft Windows [Version 10.0.17134.286] (c) 2018 Microsoft Corporation. All rights reserved. C:\WINDOWS\system32>cd\ C:\>dir *.jpg/s>photo.txt C:\>dir Volume in drive C has no label. Volume Serial Number is 36BF-43CC Directory of C:\ 09/17/2018 01:13 AM <DIR> $WINDOWS.~BT 07/28/2018 02:28 AM <DIR> boot 09/17/2018 03:01 AM <DIR> ESD 06/16/2018 01:10 PM <DIR> HPSDM 04/11/2018 06:38 PM <DIR> PerfLogs 09/23/2018 06:11 PM 166,546 photo.txt 09/20/2018 12:08 AM <DIR> Program Files 08/26/2018 06:11 PM <DIR> Program Files (x86) 07/28/2018 02:28 AM 366,578 Reflect_Install.log 06/16/2018 03:20 PM 255 RHDLog.log 06/16/2018 03:20 PM 3,547 RHDSetup.log 06/16/2018 01:35 PM <DIR> SoftPaqDownloadDirectory 09/05/2018 02:46 AM <DIR> swsetup 09/19/2018 09:26 PM <DIR> symcache 06/16/2018 03:19 PM 217,990 tbt_install.log 06/13/2018 02:18 AM <DIR> Users 08/28/2018 02:05 PM <DIR> Windows 5 File(s) 754,916 bytes 12 Dir(s) 155,107,086,336 bytes free C:\>
The txt file will then display something similar to:
Hopefully the OP was able to use everything search to see all pictures on the computer and find the location of the pictures folder.Code:Volume in drive C has no label. Volume Serial Number is 36BF-43CC Directory of C:\Program Files\Windows Media Player\Media Renderer 10/29/2017 01:03 PM 2,979 DMR_120.jpg 10/29/2017 01:02 PM 1,220 DMR_48.jpg 2 File(s) 4,199 bytes Directory of C:\Program Files\Windows Media Player\Network Sharing 10/29/2017 01:09 PM 4,743 wmpnss_color120.jpg 10/29/2017 01:18 PM 1,859 wmpnss_color32.jpg 10/29/2017 12:58 PM 2,320 wmpnss_color48.jpg 3 File(s) 8,922 bytes Directory of C:\Program Files\WindowsApps\89006A2E.AutodeskSketchBook_1.8.1.0_x64__tf1gferkr813w\Assets\MemberShip 04/30/2018 11:43 PM 66,365 freetrial_devices_bike.scale-100.jpg 04/30/2018 11:43 PM 188,300 freetrial_devices_bike.scale-200.jpg 2 File(s) 254,665 bytes Directory of C:\Program Files\WindowsApps\89006A2E.AutodeskSketchBook_1.8.1.0_x64__tf1gferkr813w\Assets\WebLink\lockout\image\hero 04/30/2018 11:43 PM 78,099 architecture.jpg 04/30/2018 11:43 PM 95,604 car-race.jpg 04/30/2018 11:43 PM 80,400 fairy-lady.jpg 04/30/2018 11:43 PM 81,916 mech-girl.jpg 04/30/2018 11:43 PM 53,000 samurai.jpg 04/30/2018 11:43 PM 75,643 submarine.jpg 04/30/2018 11:43 PM 58,367 transportation.jpg 7 File(s) 523,029 bytes Directory of C:\Program Files\WindowsApps\89006A2E.AutodeskSketchBook_1.8.1.0_x64__tf1gferkr813w\Assets\WhatIsNew\v1.7\page1\resource 04/30/2018 11:43 PM 185,293 pic.jpg 1 File(s) 185,293 bytes Directory of C:\Program Files\WindowsApps\89006A2E.AutodeskSketchBook_1.8.1.0_x64__tf1gferkr813w\Assets\WhatIsNew\v1.7\page2\resource 04/30/2018 11:43 PM 330,282 pic.jpg 1 File(s) 330,282 bytes Directory of C:\Program Files\WindowsApps\89006A2E.AutodeskSketchBook_1.8.1.0_x64__tf1gferkr813w\Assets\WhatIsNew\v1.7\page3\resource 04/30/2018 11:43 PM 290,228 pic.jpg 1 File(s) 290,228 bytes Directory of C:\Program Files\WindowsApps\ 08/08/2018 10:56 PM 10,008 square150x150logo.scale-100.jpg 08/08/2018 10:56 PM 27,621 square150x150logo.scale-200.jpg 08/08/2018 10:56 PM 73,723 square150x150logo.scale-400.jpg 08/08/2018 10:56 PM 29,167 square310x310logo.scale-100.jpg 08/08/2018 10:56 PM 78,010 square310x310logo.scale-200.jpg 08/08/2018 10:56 PM 201,531 square310x310logo.scale-400.jpg 08/08/2018 10:56 PM 48,106 wide310x150logo.scale-100.jpg 08/08/2018 10:56 PM 68,091 wide310x150logo.scale-125.jpg 08/08/2018 10:56 PM 89,847 wide310x150logo.scale-150.jpg 08/08/2018 10:56 PM 139,953 wide310x150logo.scale-200.jpg 08/08/2018 10:56 PM 195,164 wide310x150logo.scale-400.jpg 11 File(s) 961,221 bytes Directory of C:\Program Files\WindowsApps\\res_output\campaigns\generic\tex\shop 09/16/2018 11:37 PM 231,259 shop_assets_rgb.jpg 1 File(s) 231,259 bytes Directory of C:\Program Files\WindowsApps\\res_output\helpcenter\tex 08/08/2018 10:56 PM 21,806 ui_rgb.jpg 1 File(s) 21,806 bytes Directory of C:\Program Files\WindowsApps\\res_output\king-account-views\tex 08/08/2018 10:56 PM 3,485 kingaccountviewsui_rgb.jpg 08/08/2018 10:56 PM 38,720 kingaccountviews_rgb.jpg 2 File(s) 42,205 bytes Directory of C:\Program Files\WindowsApps\\res_output\king-fonts\tex\font 08/08/2018 10:56 PM 89,740 super_grotesk_offc_pro_medium_rgb.jpg 08/08/2018 10:56 PM 86,374 super_grotesk_offc_pro_regular_rgb.jpg 2 File(s) 176,114 bytes Directory of C:\Program Files\WindowsApps\\res_output\kingdom-views\tex\ui 08/08/2018 10:56 PM 9,342 Kingdom_icon_rgb.jpg 08/08/2018 10:56 PM 65,680 uiingame_hd_rgb.jpg 08/08/2018 10:56 PM 25,127 uiingame_rgb.jpg 08/08/2018 10:56 PM 616,054 ui_hd_rgb.jpg 08/08/2018 10:56 PM 240,054 ui_rgb.jpg 5 File(s) 956,257 bytes Directory of C:\Program Files\WindowsApps\\res_output\kingvites-views\tex 08/08/2018 10:56 PM 256,985 kingvites_rgb.jpg 1 File(s) 256,985 bytes Directory of C:\Program Files\WindowsApps\\res_output\servicelayer-views\tex 08/08/2018 10:56 PM 10,370 gifting-icon_rgb.jpg 08/08/2018 10:56 PM 42,903 gifting_rgb.jpg 2 File(s) 53,273 bytes Directory of C:\Program Files\WindowsApps\\res_output\servicelayer-views\tex\menu 08/08/2018 10:56 PM 40,347 ui_rgb.jpg 1 File(s) 40,347 bytes Directory of C:\Program Files\WindowsApps\\res_output\tex 08/08/2018 10:56 PM 469 test_rgb.jpg 1 File(s) 469 bytes Directory of C:\Program Files\WindowsApps\\res_output\tex\broom_race 08/08/2018 10:56 PM 67,554 broom_race_rgb.jpg 1 File(s) 67,554 bytes
Once the pictures folder is identified it can be moved to the desktop, its normal location in the users folder, etc.