Need help to Locate all pictures on PC Please

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  1. Posts : 42,931
    windows 10 professional version 1607 build 14393.969 64 bit

    The above command created this entry on C::

    Microsoft Windows [Version 10.0.17134.286]
    (c) 2018 Microsoft Corporation. All rights reserved.
    C:\>dir *.jpg/s>photo.txt
     Volume in drive C has no label.
     Volume Serial Number is 36BF-43CC
     Directory of C:\
    09/17/2018  01:13 AM    <DIR>          $WINDOWS.~BT
    07/28/2018  02:28 AM    <DIR>          boot
    09/17/2018  03:01 AM    <DIR>          ESD
    06/16/2018  01:10 PM    <DIR>          HPSDM
    04/11/2018  06:38 PM    <DIR>          PerfLogs
    09/23/2018  06:11 PM           166,546 photo.txt
    09/20/2018  12:08 AM    <DIR>          Program Files
    08/26/2018  06:11 PM    <DIR>          Program Files (x86)
    07/28/2018  02:28 AM           366,578 Reflect_Install.log
    06/16/2018  03:20 PM               255 RHDLog.log
    06/16/2018  03:20 PM             3,547 RHDSetup.log
    06/16/2018  01:35 PM    <DIR>          SoftPaqDownloadDirectory
    09/05/2018  02:46 AM    <DIR>          swsetup
    09/19/2018  09:26 PM    <DIR>          symcache
    06/16/2018  03:19 PM           217,990 tbt_install.log
    06/13/2018  02:18 AM    <DIR>          Users
    08/28/2018  02:05 PM    <DIR>          Windows
                   5 File(s)        754,916 bytes
                  12 Dir(s)  155,107,086,336 bytes free
    The OP then needs to search for photo.txt file.

    The txt file will then display something similar to:

     Volume in drive C has no label.
     Volume Serial Number is 36BF-43CC
     Directory of C:\Program Files\Windows Media Player\Media Renderer
    10/29/2017  01:03 PM             2,979 DMR_120.jpg
    10/29/2017  01:02 PM             1,220 DMR_48.jpg
                   2 File(s)          4,199 bytes
     Directory of C:\Program Files\Windows Media Player\Network Sharing
    10/29/2017  01:09 PM             4,743 wmpnss_color120.jpg
    10/29/2017  01:18 PM             1,859 wmpnss_color32.jpg
    10/29/2017  12:58 PM             2,320 wmpnss_color48.jpg
                   3 File(s)          8,922 bytes
     Directory of C:\Program Files\WindowsApps\89006A2E.AutodeskSketchBook_1.8.1.0_x64__tf1gferkr813w\Assets\MemberShip
    04/30/2018  11:43 PM            66,365 freetrial_devices_bike.scale-100.jpg
    04/30/2018  11:43 PM           188,300 freetrial_devices_bike.scale-200.jpg
                   2 File(s)        254,665 bytes
     Directory of C:\Program Files\WindowsApps\89006A2E.AutodeskSketchBook_1.8.1.0_x64__tf1gferkr813w\Assets\WebLink\lockout\image\hero
    04/30/2018  11:43 PM            78,099 architecture.jpg
    04/30/2018  11:43 PM            95,604 car-race.jpg
    04/30/2018  11:43 PM            80,400 fairy-lady.jpg
    04/30/2018  11:43 PM            81,916 mech-girl.jpg
    04/30/2018  11:43 PM            53,000 samurai.jpg
    04/30/2018  11:43 PM            75,643 submarine.jpg
    04/30/2018  11:43 PM            58,367 transportation.jpg
                   7 File(s)        523,029 bytes
     Directory of C:\Program Files\WindowsApps\89006A2E.AutodeskSketchBook_1.8.1.0_x64__tf1gferkr813w\Assets\WhatIsNew\v1.7\page1\resource
    04/30/2018  11:43 PM           185,293 pic.jpg
                   1 File(s)        185,293 bytes
     Directory of C:\Program Files\WindowsApps\89006A2E.AutodeskSketchBook_1.8.1.0_x64__tf1gferkr813w\Assets\WhatIsNew\v1.7\page2\resource
    04/30/2018  11:43 PM           330,282 pic.jpg
                   1 File(s)        330,282 bytes
     Directory of C:\Program Files\WindowsApps\89006A2E.AutodeskSketchBook_1.8.1.0_x64__tf1gferkr813w\Assets\WhatIsNew\v1.7\page3\resource
    04/30/2018  11:43 PM           290,228 pic.jpg
                   1 File(s)        290,228 bytes
     Directory of C:\Program Files\WindowsApps\
    08/08/2018  10:56 PM            10,008 square150x150logo.scale-100.jpg
    08/08/2018  10:56 PM            27,621 square150x150logo.scale-200.jpg
    08/08/2018  10:56 PM            73,723 square150x150logo.scale-400.jpg
    08/08/2018  10:56 PM            29,167 square310x310logo.scale-100.jpg
    08/08/2018  10:56 PM            78,010 square310x310logo.scale-200.jpg
    08/08/2018  10:56 PM           201,531 square310x310logo.scale-400.jpg
    08/08/2018  10:56 PM            48,106 wide310x150logo.scale-100.jpg
    08/08/2018  10:56 PM            68,091 wide310x150logo.scale-125.jpg
    08/08/2018  10:56 PM            89,847 wide310x150logo.scale-150.jpg
    08/08/2018  10:56 PM           139,953 wide310x150logo.scale-200.jpg
    08/08/2018  10:56 PM           195,164 wide310x150logo.scale-400.jpg
                  11 File(s)        961,221 bytes
     Directory of C:\Program Files\WindowsApps\\res_output\campaigns\generic\tex\shop
    09/16/2018  11:37 PM           231,259 shop_assets_rgb.jpg
                   1 File(s)        231,259 bytes
     Directory of C:\Program Files\WindowsApps\\res_output\helpcenter\tex
    08/08/2018  10:56 PM            21,806 ui_rgb.jpg
                   1 File(s)         21,806 bytes
     Directory of C:\Program Files\WindowsApps\\res_output\king-account-views\tex
    08/08/2018  10:56 PM             3,485 kingaccountviewsui_rgb.jpg
    08/08/2018  10:56 PM            38,720 kingaccountviews_rgb.jpg
                   2 File(s)         42,205 bytes
     Directory of C:\Program Files\WindowsApps\\res_output\king-fonts\tex\font
    08/08/2018  10:56 PM            89,740 super_grotesk_offc_pro_medium_rgb.jpg
    08/08/2018  10:56 PM            86,374 super_grotesk_offc_pro_regular_rgb.jpg
                   2 File(s)        176,114 bytes
     Directory of C:\Program Files\WindowsApps\\res_output\kingdom-views\tex\ui
    08/08/2018  10:56 PM             9,342 Kingdom_icon_rgb.jpg
    08/08/2018  10:56 PM            65,680 uiingame_hd_rgb.jpg
    08/08/2018  10:56 PM            25,127 uiingame_rgb.jpg
    08/08/2018  10:56 PM           616,054 ui_hd_rgb.jpg
    08/08/2018  10:56 PM           240,054 ui_rgb.jpg
                   5 File(s)        956,257 bytes
     Directory of C:\Program Files\WindowsApps\\res_output\kingvites-views\tex
    08/08/2018  10:56 PM           256,985 kingvites_rgb.jpg
                   1 File(s)        256,985 bytes
     Directory of C:\Program Files\WindowsApps\\res_output\servicelayer-views\tex
    08/08/2018  10:56 PM            10,370 gifting-icon_rgb.jpg
    08/08/2018  10:56 PM            42,903 gifting_rgb.jpg
                   2 File(s)         53,273 bytes
     Directory of C:\Program Files\WindowsApps\\res_output\servicelayer-views\tex\menu
    08/08/2018  10:56 PM            40,347 ui_rgb.jpg
                   1 File(s)         40,347 bytes
     Directory of C:\Program Files\WindowsApps\\res_output\tex
    08/08/2018  10:56 PM               469 test_rgb.jpg
                   1 File(s)            469 bytes
     Directory of C:\Program Files\WindowsApps\\res_output\tex\broom_race
    08/08/2018  10:56 PM            67,554 broom_race_rgb.jpg
                   1 File(s)         67,554 bytes
    Hopefully the OP was able to use everything search to see all pictures on the computer and find the location of the pictures folder.
    Once the pictures folder is identified it can be moved to the desktop, its normal location in the users folder, etc.
      My Computer

  2. Posts : 1,470
    Win10 Home x64 - 1809

    Just a reminder ...
    One Drive can/will move your Desktop,Documents,Pictures folders - Announcing Known Folder Move (KFM) for OneDrive - Windows 10 Forums
      My Computers

  3. Posts : 57,009
    Multi-boot Windows 10/11 - RTM, RP, Beta, and Insider

    Eagle51 said:
    Just a reminder ...
    One Drive can/will move your Desktop,Documents,Pictures folders - Announcing Known Folder Move (KFM) for OneDrive - Windows 10 Forums
    It's an option.
      My Computers

  4. KCR
    Posts : 355
    Windows 10 Home, 64-bit, Version 22H2 (OS Build 19045.5440)

    MadPaxx said:
    i would like to find all pictures on my pc

    If you have it, doesn't CCleaner work for this. . . ?

    It seems to on my computer, anyway.

    Need help to Locate all pictures on PC Please-ccleaner-pictures-scan-1-.png

    Need help to Locate all pictures on PC Please-ccleaner-pictures-scan.png


      My Computers

  5. Posts : 226
    Windows 10 PRO 64
    Thread Starter

    Samuria said:
    Assuming you photos a .jpg open a cmd prompt type

    dir *.jpg /s >photo.txt

    It will take some time then open photo.txt which will list all photos on your hd
    zbook said:
    The above command created this entry on C::

    Microsoft Windows [Version 10.0.17134.286]
    (c) 2018 Microsoft Corporation. All rights reserved.
    C:\>dir *.jpg/s>photo.txt
     Volume in drive C has no label.
     Volume Serial Number is 36BF-43CC
     Directory of C:\
    09/17/2018  01:13 AM    <DIR>          $WINDOWS.~BT
    07/28/2018  02:28 AM    <DIR>          boot
    09/17/2018  03:01 AM    <DIR>          ESD
    06/16/2018  01:10 PM    <DIR>          HPSDM
    04/11/2018  06:38 PM    <DIR>          PerfLogs
    09/23/2018  06:11 PM           166,546 photo.txt
    09/20/2018  12:08 AM    <DIR>          Program Files
    08/26/2018  06:11 PM    <DIR>          Program Files (x86)
    07/28/2018  02:28 AM           366,578 Reflect_Install.log
    06/16/2018  03:20 PM               255 RHDLog.log
    06/16/2018  03:20 PM             3,547 RHDSetup.log
    06/16/2018  01:35 PM    <DIR>          SoftPaqDownloadDirectory
    09/05/2018  02:46 AM    <DIR>          swsetup
    09/19/2018  09:26 PM    <DIR>          symcache
    06/16/2018  03:19 PM           217,990 tbt_install.log
    06/13/2018  02:18 AM    <DIR>          Users
    08/28/2018  02:05 PM    <DIR>          Windows
                   5 File(s)        754,916 bytes
                  12 Dir(s)  155,107,086,336 bytes free
    The OP then needs to search for photo.txt file.

    The txt file will then display something similar to:

     Volume in drive C has no label.
     Volume Serial Number is 36BF-43CC
     Directory of C:\Program Files\Windows Media Player\Media Renderer
    10/29/2017  01:03 PM             2,979 DMR_120.jpg
    10/29/2017  01:02 PM             1,220 DMR_48.jpg
                   2 File(s)          4,199 bytes
     Directory of C:\Program Files\Windows Media Player\Network Sharing
    10/29/2017  01:09 PM             4,743 wmpnss_color120.jpg
    10/29/2017  01:18 PM             1,859 wmpnss_color32.jpg
    10/29/2017  12:58 PM             2,320 wmpnss_color48.jpg
                   3 File(s)          8,922 bytes
     Directory of C:\Program Files\WindowsApps\89006A2E.AutodeskSketchBook_1.8.1.0_x64__tf1gferkr813w\Assets\MemberShip
    04/30/2018  11:43 PM            66,365 freetrial_devices_bike.scale-100.jpg
    04/30/2018  11:43 PM           188,300 freetrial_devices_bike.scale-200.jpg
                   2 File(s)        254,665 bytes
     Directory of C:\Program Files\WindowsApps\89006A2E.AutodeskSketchBook_1.8.1.0_x64__tf1gferkr813w\Assets\WebLink\lockout\image\hero
    04/30/2018  11:43 PM            78,099 architecture.jpg
    04/30/2018  11:43 PM            95,604 car-race.jpg
    04/30/2018  11:43 PM            80,400 fairy-lady.jpg
    04/30/2018  11:43 PM            81,916 mech-girl.jpg
    04/30/2018  11:43 PM            53,000 samurai.jpg
    04/30/2018  11:43 PM            75,643 submarine.jpg
    04/30/2018  11:43 PM            58,367 transportation.jpg
                   7 File(s)        523,029 bytes
     Directory of C:\Program Files\WindowsApps\89006A2E.AutodeskSketchBook_1.8.1.0_x64__tf1gferkr813w\Assets\WhatIsNew\v1.7\page1\resource
    04/30/2018  11:43 PM           185,293 pic.jpg
                   1 File(s)        185,293 bytes
     Directory of C:\Program Files\WindowsApps\89006A2E.AutodeskSketchBook_1.8.1.0_x64__tf1gferkr813w\Assets\WhatIsNew\v1.7\page2\resource
    04/30/2018  11:43 PM           330,282 pic.jpg
                   1 File(s)        330,282 bytes
     Directory of C:\Program Files\WindowsApps\89006A2E.AutodeskSketchBook_1.8.1.0_x64__tf1gferkr813w\Assets\WhatIsNew\v1.7\page3\resource
    04/30/2018  11:43 PM           290,228 pic.jpg
                   1 File(s)        290,228 bytes
     Directory of C:\Program Files\WindowsApps\
    08/08/2018  10:56 PM            10,008 square150x150logo.scale-100.jpg
    08/08/2018  10:56 PM            27,621 square150x150logo.scale-200.jpg
    08/08/2018  10:56 PM            73,723 square150x150logo.scale-400.jpg
    08/08/2018  10:56 PM            29,167 square310x310logo.scale-100.jpg
    08/08/2018  10:56 PM            78,010 square310x310logo.scale-200.jpg
    08/08/2018  10:56 PM           201,531 square310x310logo.scale-400.jpg
    08/08/2018  10:56 PM            48,106 wide310x150logo.scale-100.jpg
    08/08/2018  10:56 PM            68,091 wide310x150logo.scale-125.jpg
    08/08/2018  10:56 PM            89,847 wide310x150logo.scale-150.jpg
    08/08/2018  10:56 PM           139,953 wide310x150logo.scale-200.jpg
    08/08/2018  10:56 PM           195,164 wide310x150logo.scale-400.jpg
                  11 File(s)        961,221 bytes
     Directory of C:\Program Files\WindowsApps\\res_output\campaigns\generic\tex\shop
    09/16/2018  11:37 PM           231,259 shop_assets_rgb.jpg
                   1 File(s)        231,259 bytes
     Directory of C:\Program Files\WindowsApps\\res_output\helpcenter\tex
    08/08/2018  10:56 PM            21,806 ui_rgb.jpg
                   1 File(s)         21,806 bytes
     Directory of C:\Program Files\WindowsApps\\res_output\king-account-views\tex
    08/08/2018  10:56 PM             3,485 kingaccountviewsui_rgb.jpg
    08/08/2018  10:56 PM            38,720 kingaccountviews_rgb.jpg
                   2 File(s)         42,205 bytes
     Directory of C:\Program Files\WindowsApps\\res_output\king-fonts\tex\font
    08/08/2018  10:56 PM            89,740 super_grotesk_offc_pro_medium_rgb.jpg
    08/08/2018  10:56 PM            86,374 super_grotesk_offc_pro_regular_rgb.jpg
                   2 File(s)        176,114 bytes
     Directory of C:\Program Files\WindowsApps\\res_output\kingdom-views\tex\ui
    08/08/2018  10:56 PM             9,342 Kingdom_icon_rgb.jpg
    08/08/2018  10:56 PM            65,680 uiingame_hd_rgb.jpg
    08/08/2018  10:56 PM            25,127 uiingame_rgb.jpg
    08/08/2018  10:56 PM           616,054 ui_hd_rgb.jpg
    08/08/2018  10:56 PM           240,054 ui_rgb.jpg
                   5 File(s)        956,257 bytes
     Directory of C:\Program Files\WindowsApps\\res_output\kingvites-views\tex
    08/08/2018  10:56 PM           256,985 kingvites_rgb.jpg
                   1 File(s)        256,985 bytes
     Directory of C:\Program Files\WindowsApps\\res_output\servicelayer-views\tex
    08/08/2018  10:56 PM            10,370 gifting-icon_rgb.jpg
    08/08/2018  10:56 PM            42,903 gifting_rgb.jpg
                   2 File(s)         53,273 bytes
     Directory of C:\Program Files\WindowsApps\\res_output\servicelayer-views\tex\menu
    08/08/2018  10:56 PM            40,347 ui_rgb.jpg
                   1 File(s)         40,347 bytes
     Directory of C:\Program Files\WindowsApps\\res_output\tex
    08/08/2018  10:56 PM               469 test_rgb.jpg
                   1 File(s)            469 bytes
     Directory of C:\Program Files\WindowsApps\\res_output\tex\broom_race
    08/08/2018  10:56 PM            67,554 broom_race_rgb.jpg
                   1 File(s)         67,554 bytes
    Hopefully the OP was able to use everything search to see all pictures on the computer and find the location of the pictures folder.
    Once the pictures folder is identified it can be moved to the desktop, its normal location in the users folder, etc.
    Ok Guys many thanks
    so I did the command
    like Samuria said

    and now I have this
    whats next ? how to find them and I hop not one by one

    Need help to Locate all pictures on PC Please-pspad_2018-09-24_19-26-37.png
      My Computer

  6. Posts : 31,254
    Windows 10 (Pro and Insider Pro)

    I'm afraid that these are just sample pictures from Corelshow. We still don't know where your pictures are.

    Do you have a lot of pictures files?
    In Explorer, if you click on Pictures folder, where does it takes you?
      My Computers

  7. Posts : 5,477

    Eagle51 said:
    Just a reminder ...
    One Drive can/will move your Desktop,Documents,Pictures folders - Announcing Known Folder Move (KFM) for OneDrive - Windows 10 Forums
    I wanted to give you a thumb's up for that but it doesn't work on my phone. I can only quote or report posts not rep them.

    Thanks anyway, I didn't know about it.
      My Computer


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