Dell XPS 15 9550 Laptop Turns On But Won't Start

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  1. Posts : 1,345
    Windows 10 Pro 64-bit

    paulyjustin said:
    Hi there just curious. But does anyone here think it could be because i unplugged both of my usbs to the usb ports? I have 2 of them... one is a 4 port hub that connect to a usb port and a wireless mouse usb connected to the other. I noticed the 7th time i powered it on, i had unplugged everything out. But that probably has no effect right?
    I'd be curious also. But for the time being leave all of them unplugged.

    Follow zbooks recommendations.
    --- If the computer continues to run normally with those items disconnected that's a good thing.

    zbooks analyses will be helpful in determining what's going on with your computer w/o anything else connected.

    On running the Dell pre-boot utility, it will check for hardware problems. Don't worry about exactly what you'll see.
    --- What it does is analyses the HDD, memory and I forget what else and it takes a while (maybe 1/2 an hour or so - don't shut it off) but then it if it finds a problem let us know what it reports.
    --- But if it reports it hasn't found any problems it should ask you if you want to continue analyzing, I usually answer no because I haven't seen a situation in which it might take hours for something that isn't there: but that's a judgment call but it's never backfired on me.

    On Dell Support Assistant, I've only seen it once when it didn't even run but it was an easy fix to get it to run.
    --- I support running it.
    --- You won't know if it's problematic w/o finding out.

    One thing for sure, you do not want to be in the habit if shutting it off and restarting standard usage.
    --- When you say shutting it off, were you doing so by using the on/off button?
      My Computer

  2. Posts : 4,224
    Windows 10

    Berton: you can use SupportAssist to scan for drivers. It works reasonably well on my 3 current Dell PCs, and I've used it for years. I agree that one should not rely on it, but it's not a bad place/way to check for missing or updated drivers. Of course, it's unnecessary for those with well-honed system sleuthing skills, but I thought the OP might find it helpful. Thanks for your helpful commentary and observations, in any case.
      My Computers


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