Lost Taskbar
I don't know where to go with this problem so I decided General would work.
I was playing f Hoyle card games. I have the CD from which I install the games. I clicked to run it full screen. When I did that a little box popped up warning me that the best resolution is such and such. Then my full screen card game went back to normal window size and a little thing popped up that said it was adjusting my monitor and the next thing I knew my task bar was gone.
I can push that little button on my monitor for auto adjustment and the screen flickers a little as it appears to be making an adjustment, and my taskbar becomes visible, but then as soon as that adjustment has finished my taskbar disappears again. I have checked my display settings and its at the recommended setting. Everything is working, except I can't access my taskbar, which means I can't access my start button.
Sure hope someone can help.
P.S. I don't know if these settings will help or not.