On-Screen Keyboard turned off, pops up on Start Screen?

  1. Posts : 2
    Windows 10 Pro

    Windows 10 - On-Screen Keyboard turned off, pops up on Start Screen?

    Hey everybody.

    Recently I installed a graphic tablet's driver, and have since had the on-screen keyboard appear on boot, then promptly disappear after the start screen.

    This morning, I uninstalled the drivers in hope that it would fix my problem. It was for naught, though. My only guess is that Windows thinks that I have a touch-enabled device connected, hence giving me the on-screen keyboard. Whether that is the case or not, I do not know.

    With the drivers uninstalled, I don't know what else I could try beside running CCleaner to clean up temporary files.

    Any suggestions? Thanks all,
    Last edited by FrankD; 16 Sep 2018 at 07:29. Reason: Forgot to include crucial information
      My Computer

  2. Posts : 240
    Dual Boot Windows 11 & 10, usually latest version

    Hi Frank. When does the keyboard first show up? Before the lock screen, on the lock screen, etc? I would look for any folders that may have been created for the tablet and delete them. Ccleaner might be of help. Could also do a manual search of the registry, searching on the name of the tablet. Right click on taskbar and make sure that Show touch keyboard is not selected. Also: Settings>Ease of Access>Keyboard>On-Sreen Keyboard ​is not selected.
      My Computers

  3. Posts : 2
    Windows 10 Pro
    Thread Starter

    Garyw said:
    Hi Frank. When does the keyboard first show up? Before the lock screen, on the lock screen, etc? I would look for any folders that may have been created for the tablet and delete them. Ccleaner might be of help. Could also do a manual search of the registry, searching on the name of the tablet. Right click on taskbar and make sure that Show touch keyboard is not selected. Also: Settings>Ease of Access>Keyboard>On-Sreen Keyboard ​is not selected.
    My apologies for the late response. On the login screen, after pressing a key to enter my password, the keyboard appears. I just had a new experience, though. I heard the disconnect sound in the background a few times, and the keyboard flickered on and off. I will take a look for the tablet folder now. As for the registry search, it installed under a fairly generic name, so I'm not sure I can find it. As for CCleaner, it did not help. The options you mentioned are also off. Perhaps it's a driver problem not connected to the tablet? Since it flickers when I hear the disconnect sound.

    Disregard the previous paragraph. As per your suggestion, I found a leftover folder and deleted it, which resolved the problem. Thanks a ton!
      My Computer


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