Sticky Keys Problem with build 17134.288
Sticky Keys works with Windows 7, 8, 8.1 and 10.
The way it works is:
You hit the Shift Key 5 times. A prompt comes up that asks you if want Sticky Keys or not. You click yes.
Sticky Keys now how has kicked in. If you hit a Sticky Key (Ctl, Shift, Alt or Win key) a beep sounds.
For example if you hit the Shift Key (let's call this point A)
and hear the beep (let's call this point B).
and hit the i key. It will type I.
This very handy for people who can only type with one hand. Such as me.
This beep is very important because sometimes things get messed up in there.
So instead of a beep you get a blurp.
To fix it you must hit the Shift Key 5 times again.
If you go ahead and type without listening to the beep and you get blurp instead. It will type an i instead of a I.
With Windows 7, 8 and 8.1 the distance between A and B is instantaneous. With Windows 10 Build 10586. the delay was a 10th of seconds. With upgrade to Build 17434 it now takes over a half second. this may not seem like a lot but when you type Ctl+a, Ctl+c, Ctl+v (which I do a lot) and just normal typing, I waste a lot of time waiting for beeps.
I thought I had these upgrades under control but somehow they snuck one in on me. I didn't make Macrium Reflect USB yet.
Is there a way I can go back to 10584. I was perfectly happy with that.
I have another computer with 10584 installed on it.
Can I transfer it to this computer.
If not can I fix 17434 to shorten the A-B delay?
Don Cole