Call of duty wwii

  1. Posts : 176
    microsoft windows 10

    Call of duty wwii

    Hi all...I have just bought an Xbox and with it Wolfeinstein colossus and Call of duty wwii but trying to play COD is impossible for me as when I press the down aim it goes up and when I press up it goes down and I just cannot get used to it as I am wanting to
    to do the reverse. It looks good but I cannot get anywhere because of this. I went into controls but it will not let me do this.
    Is there any way I can alter it please.
      My Computer

  2. Posts : 23,195
    Windows 10

    On the xbox

    Go into Settings and then Kinect & Devices
    Then go to Devices and Accesories on the right hand side

    You should now be on a screen that has a picture of the Controller and a button to configure it
    Select Configure and then Button Mappings

    Check next page see if you have a tick in the Invert right stick Y Axis
    If so, remove the tick

    Hope That Helps
      My Computer

  3. Posts : 176
    microsoft windows 10
    Thread Starter

    Many thanks,,,now I can get on with it.
      My Computer

  4. Posts : 23,195
    Windows 10

    Good to hear it fixed it for you :)
      My Computer


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