Install GOW4 on Games HDD, but keep other Apps on Windows SSD.

  1. Posts : 100
    Windows 10

    Install GOW4 on Games HDD, but keep other Apps on Windows SSD.

    JUst as the title suggests. I finally finished GOW3 and GOW Judgement via backwards compatability on my xbox one, and now was install GOW4 on my desktop, but haven't got the space on the SSD(C:\) and want to install the game to my Games HDD.

    Is there a way to install a single game/windows 10 app to a different hdd, yet keep the majority of the smaller ones on the windows drive? A quick search/google only told me how to change the default location. I dont want to do this.
    I just want to install GOW4 (and Halo Wars 2) on my Games Drive.

      My Computer

  2. Posts : 1,694

    Some program installers let you choose the installed location.
    Often the choice is offered in some sort of "advanced" screen inside the installer.
    Use that to override the default (probably C:/Program Files) with something else (like D:/whatever).

    If the installer does not offer a choice then it's tough luck.
      My Computer

  3. Posts : 2,086
    Windows 11 Pro 64

    I do have GOW4 installed on my D drive, not my OS C SSD primary drive.

    However, if I remember correctly, I wasn't given an option from the Windows store as to where to install the game or maybe didn't find it. What I did was change the default location where new apps are installed from my SSD C drive to my storage D drive. Windows settings\system\storage\change where new content is saved. I changed new apps will be saved to D and then when I installed GOW4 my D drive showed up as the install location. You can always change the default location where new apps are installed back to C or wherever once GOW4 is installed.

    Install GOW4 on Games HDD, but keep other Apps on Windows SSD.-newapps.png
      My Computer

  4. Posts : 100
    Windows 10
    Thread Starter

    oh ok thanks. I find windows store products very behind the times, in that you can't decide individually where they go unlike say, every other installer since windows 95 :S
      My Computer


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