Unable to right pan while playing games in Windows 10

  1. Posts : 1
    Windows 10

    Unable to right pan while playing games in Windows 10


    I am having problems playing certain games under Windows 10. These include CIv 5, Supreme Commander 2, Command and Conquer Generals. While I can move the mouse cursor to the left to pan left, I cannot pan right.

    The screen does pan right if I move my mouse slowly when it reaches the right edge of the screen. However it does not if I perform the action fast. In addition, the problem only arises when I move lateral right. Diagonal right movements work fine.
      My Computer

  2. Posts : 197
    Windows 10 Enterprise LTSB N 1607 x64

    You need to disable scaling for the game if 10 hasn't done it for you. Right click the game's exe file, go to Properties, then Compatibility tab. Find the scaling option then check it, Apply then OK. If the game uses a launcher exe then you might need to do it there too. Try running it again.
      My Computer


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