Wolfenstein II
Looking forward to this one
Back in the "old days" Wolfenstein was my favorite game (Doom second).
Stumbled upon this - I see they added a few new dynamics. Been a fan since Return to Castle Wolfenstein for PC early 2000s. Nice preview, thanks.
Ok this is something I would like to get... I would pre order though I like to get the demo first to make sure it will play ok on my system..First...
edit: how do I get the demo
Ya, so am I as long as it doesn't have the "Wolfenstein 60 FPS cap". A 1080 TI at 1080P with a 60 FPS cap - useless and a waste with a 144HZ monitor. I believe it's running the Doom engine so hoping it's good to go at up to 200 FPS. Although ID when they developed Doom 2016 was planning a 60 FPS cap. But from what I read, moving it to 200 wasn't easy for them.