How get to desktop from game

  1. Posts : 4

    How get to desktop from game

    Hello everyone, I'm have trouble with getting to my desktop when i'm in a game. In win7 I would ALT+TAB and i would have a desktop tile but the windows open on my other monitors would not close. In win10 if I ALT+TAB there is no desktop tile and if I WINKEY+TAB I get "New Desktop" but all my windows close until I do WINKEY+TAB again and go back to my previous desktop. How get to desktop from game-windows-7-alt-tab.png How get to desktop from game-windows_10_alt_tab_1.png
      My Computer

  2. Posts : 45,408
    Win 10 Pro (22H2) (2nd PC is 22H2)

    Windows key + D maybe?
      My Computers

  3. Posts : 659
    Windows 10 1709 Pro x64 (Fall Creators Update)

    To get out of a game, I always press the WIN key and that's it.
      My Computers

  4. Posts : 258
    Windows 10

    Alt + f4.
      My Computer

  5. Posts : 4
    Thread Starter

    RubberDucky said:
    Alt + f4.
    Will not try
      My Computer

  6. Posts : 4
    Thread Starter

    Computer Chicken said:
    To get out of a game, I always press the WIN key and that's it.
    Went back to win7 because I like it better but thanks anyways
      My Computer

  7. Posts : 659
    Windows 10 1709 Pro x64 (Fall Creators Update)

    JakeSmitty said:
    Went back to win7 because I like it better but thanks anyways
    Did you try WIN key? Or just gave up? Not trying to offend.

    I honestly think Windows 10 is much better than 7, I can't stand 7.
      My Computers

  8. Posts : 4
    Thread Starter

    Computer Chicken said:
    Did you try WIN key? Or just gave up? Not trying to offend.

    I honestly think Windows 10 is much better than 7, I can't stand 7.
    I did try but but it still minimised all my windows which I hated so I just reverted to the windows that's easiest for me to use
      My Computer

  9. Posts : 659
    Windows 10 1709 Pro x64 (Fall Creators Update)

    JakeSmitty said:
    I did try but but it still minimised all my windows which I hated so I just reverted to the windows that's easiest for me to use
    Ah, ok. :) I don't know why your Windows 10 is doing that, it doesn't to me.

    Edit: Here is what the matter is, when you do WIN+TAB you won't get a desktop until you click anywhere on the screen and that will take to you the desktop. When I did it just now, it took me straight to my Edge window. Didn't click the Edge window, just click on the open space and took me to desktop with nothing minimized. I wished I would have know that sooner... Ugh!!
      My Computers


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