star trek online below par perormance

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  1. Posts : 240
    windows 10 home
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    roger that. going to try that tomorrow or wednesday. expecting to have the desk set up and the tower set up by then.
      My Computer

  2. Posts : 16
    Windows 10

    Good luck! Here's a picture. I wasn't home when I posted my previous reply. Don't forget to click the "Apply" button.
    star trek online below par perormance-screen.png
      My Computer

  3. Posts : 240
    windows 10 home
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    if it doesnt work and hp support cant help, well I'm within the 30 day returns window still, I'll just go with a different hardware vender.

    as it is I'll be rearranging my room to accommodate a new desk and will soon after be setting up the new hardware.
      My Computer

  4. Posts : 240
    windows 10 home
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    ok..its using the dedicated card. as in there's no option to change it. so...what do I do next?
      My Computer

  5. Posts : 16
    Windows 10

    Can you show me a screenshot?
      My Computer

  6. Posts : 240
    windows 10 home
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    yeah, might take me a few days, now I'm waiting on the chance to run an ethernet line as trying to do anything on wifi past basic browsing and skype chatting is a fiasco and a half.
      My Computer

  7. Posts : 240
    windows 10 home
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    what area in specific do you need a screenshot of?
      My Computer

  8. Posts : 139

    To be honest, you're not the only one with performance problems in STO. It may/may not be your hardware, but the game itself runs on a really bad game engine that isn't all that optimized.

    I used to play the game maxxed out graphics wise back in the Legacy of Romulus expansion, but after that and starting with Delta Rising performance has just taken a nose dive and I can't even play the game maxxed out anymore...I literally have to make the game look horrible looks wise just to get any sort of decent FPS nowadays.
      My Computer

  9. Posts : 16
    Windows 10

    xraiderv1 said:
    what area in specific do you need a screenshot of?
    The same as my screenshot. Also LovingWindows might be right as well.
      My Computer

  10. Posts : 240
    windows 10 home
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    ok, on a similar line of discussion if I may..

    well I took a friend's advice with starwars the old republic, turned off anything shadow related. I can run the graphics pretty well towards the maxxed out end though I zeroed out the trees and grass for obvious reasons, as they too contribute to lag in that game.
      My Computer


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