What Games are you playing right now?

  1. Posts : 2,086
    Windows 11 Pro 64

    Nice video, dude. Man that's the stuff I like to see here. Gives a great idea how the hardware is performing.

    Ah, no. She's not much competition for Lidia and Red. Must be the
      My Computer

  2. Posts : 16,670
    Windows 11 Pro X64

    sygnus21 said:
    Just installed the new Prey game. Getting ready to give it a run now.
    That game looks like it will be really good. Let us know
      My Computers

  3. Posts : 459
    MS Windows 10 Professional 64-bit
    Thread Starter

    sygnus21 said:
    Just installed the new Prey game. Getting ready to give it a run now.
    Hey! please tell us how it goes...
      My Computers

  4. Posts : 16,670
    Windows 11 Pro X64

    I have reached this point, both happy and sad now
    What Games are you playing right now?-sgw3_2017_05_06_21_02_43_729.pngWhat Games are you playing right now?-sgw3_2017_05_06_21_07_03_353.png

    And my girls are still happy
    What Games are you playing right now?-sgw3_2017_05_06_21_07_15_231.jpg
      My Computers

  5. Posts : 12,809
    Windows 11 Pro

    They don't look happy to me. I did notice they left a seat in between them too. I think there is some meaning there.
      My Computer

  6. Posts : 16,670
    Windows 11 Pro X64

    essenbe said:
    They don't look happy to me. I did notice they left a seat in between them too. I think there is some meaning there.
    Yep, because Im jumping in the middle
      My Computers

  7. Posts : 459
    MS Windows 10 Professional 64-bit
    Thread Starter

    Dude said:
    I have reached this point, both happy and sad now
    What Games are you playing right now?-sgw3_2017_05_06_21_02_43_729.pngWhat Games are you playing right now?-sgw3_2017_05_06_21_07_03_353.png

    And my girls are still happy
    What Games are you playing right now?-sgw3_2017_05_06_21_07_15_231.jpg
    Dude! How many hours was it? Congrats!
      My Computers

  8. Posts : 16,670
    Windows 11 Pro X64

    Thanks, 40hrs, but I was in act3 and lost my save game and had to start over. There are 4 acts in the game.
      My Computers

  9. Posts : 5,899
    Win 11 Pro (x64) 22H2

    seek said:
    Hey! please tell us how it goes...
    Game seems to be pretty good thus far, though I've not progressed very far yet. I've got the game maxed and it's running pretty good on my rig without issues thus far. See my system specs.

    As far as what the game play is like... it's puzzle, survival, and tactics. And to use someone else's analogy to describe the game... a bit of Dead Space, Bioshock, and Half-Life thrown together. No disagreements there thus far.

      My Computers

  10. Posts : 459
    MS Windows 10 Professional 64-bit
    Thread Starter

    sygnus21 said:
    Game seems to be pretty good thus far, though I've not progressed very far yet. I've got the game maxed and it's running pretty good on my rig without issues thus far. See my system specs.

    As far as what the game play is like... it's puzzle, survival, and tactics. And to use someone else's analogy to describe the game... a bit of Dead Space, Bioshock, and Half-Life thrown together. No disagreements there thus far.

    Hmmm, Dead Space .... If its anything like Dead Space maybe Ill give it a try when it goes on sale.
      My Computers


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