Have you seen this EVGA 1080 TI FTW3 beast that is now popping up on their website? ICX cooling and 3 fans
EVGA - Intelligent Innovation - Official Website
Oh yeah, I saw it on Reddit and I'll repeat here what I said there...I need that thing more than Gollum needed that dang ring. hahaha
Unfortunately, according to an EVGA employee on OverclockersUK, it's not due out until May. I wish EVGA's Step Up program included the FTW cards.
Ya, I don't think step up has ever included FTW but we can hope.
On another topic, I just reran the GOW4 and ROTTR DX 12 benchmarks. I will run them again with the next Nvidia WHQL driver to see if in fact there is a performance difference.
Look at those GOW4 numbers. Impressive. I played the entire campaign and there wasn't a single PC glitch in that game. Gotta say, Microsoft Studios thought of PC gamers when they released that one.
That GoW benchmark is very impressive. I was looking into that for a while, but got turned off of it by it being a Windows Store game. My experience with Quantum Break has kind of put me off of those until the platform matures a bit more.
I found with the improvements from GOW Ultimate Edition to GOW 4, Microsoft Studios was thinking of PC gamers. I'll say this. GOW 4 worked flawlessly out of the launch gate, not waiting for patch after patch, nor driver update and driver update to get it right. I definitely appreciated that.
The one major complaint that remains for me is a working OSD in the Windows Store games. Certainly wish Microsoft would work with MSI/EVGA to get that done asap, or produce their own OSD.
I didn't have many issues with ROTTR in DX12 when it first came out. It was the Steam version though. I actually need to go back and finish the DLC on that. It was a really good game.