Payday 2, love it.
wow, Steam has Battlefield2 Bad Company priced at £3.74..
- still a lot of players over there, you guys..
It pretty much follows the original. Here Emily is all grown up and is Empress. She's ousted from the throne by a lost family member and now has to get it back. From here you can choose to play either Emily or Corvo. Each character has their own power tree. Gameplay is pretty much the same as the original game. There are obviously some new enemies and stealth play can be challenging at times, especially on a first playthrough.
Anyway, on my first play I chose Emily, this time I’m playing Corvo. With the power trees being different, it still presents a slight challenge because you aren’t using the same powers.
In the latest patch, they introduced a Game+ mode where you can still play as either character, but here you can choose powers from both – i.e. if playing Emily, you can use Corvo’s powers, vice versa with Corvo - you can use Emily’s powers.
Performance wise, the game is somewhat demanding and needs a good system. Even with that some still report microstuttering, even those with GTX 1080’s. I myself run an AMD R9 Fury, and I get Microstuttering, and I don’t even have everything maxed. And this is on a 24-inch screen at a res of 1920 x1200. That said, I’ve not had any game breaking issue that’s stopped me from anything in the game so that’s good. The visuals are much the same as the original game, though a bit more hi-def.
Overall good game, and a joy to play.
Me and a buddy picked up Dying Light last night to do some co-op zombie slaying. I've heard it's a pretty good game, so I'm looking forward to it...assuming I can tear myself away from GTA anyway.
I just bought Dirt Rally, a little late to the game I know. Fun game once you get things dialed in to how you drive.