What Games are you playing right now?

  1. Posts : 2,086
    Windows 11 Pro 64

    BF1, last war story (campaign) challenge for me is destroying that train. Not too easy:

    What Games are you playing right now?-bf32.jpg

    Here's what I look like after achieving success:

    What Games are you playing right now?-bf33.png

    Time for a beer:)
      My Computer

  2. Posts : 16,670
    Windows 11 Pro X64

    specialkone said:
    BF1, last war story (campaign) challenge for me is destroying that train. Not too easy:

    Here's what I look like after achieving success:

    What Games are you playing right now?-bf33.png

    Time for a beer:)
      My Computers

  3. Posts : 5
    Windows 10

    I am not currently playing any one particular game recently as I am trying to cut back on my game time. I play several indie games on Steam often though. Enter the Gungeon and Faster than Light (FTL) are a few of my favorites.
      My Computer

  4. Posts : 19,533
    W11+W11 Developer Insider + Linux

    Just found ISO i made out of Medal of Honor - Pacific Assault CDs.
      My Computers

  5. Posts : 2,161
    Windows 11 Beta channel

    Just got into the Gwent closed beta this morning, so I'll be playing that a lot.

    What Games are you playing right now?-gwent-closed-beta.jpg
      My Computer

  6. Posts : 16,670
    Windows 11 Pro X64

    That's part of the Witcher series isn't it?
      My Computers

  7. Posts : 2,086
    Windows 11 Pro 64

    Dude said:
    That's part of the Witcher series isn't it?
    I played Gwent a couple of times in Witcher 3 but tended to avoid it given all the quests. There's actually a separate beta out for Gwent itself.

    What Games are you playing right now?-gwent.png

    The Gwent closed beta is now underway | PC Gamer
      My Computer

  8. Posts : 16,670
    Windows 11 Pro X64

    One last story before I move on to MP. I sure hope they add some more War Stories in the future, this game has the best campaign for a BF game ever
    What Games are you playing right now?-last-story.jpg
      My Computers

  9. Posts : 12,809
    Windows 11 Pro

    Dude said:
    One last story before I move on to MP. I sure hope they add some more War Stories in the future, this game has the best campaign for a BF game ever
    What Games are you playing right now?-last-story.jpg
    Looking good @Dude.
      My Computer

  10. Posts : 2,086
    Windows 11 Pro 64

    Dude said:
    One last story before I move on to MP. I sure hope they add some more War Stories in the future, this game has the best campaign for a BF game ever
    That would be nice but you don't usually see DICE additions related to campaign. It's usually multiplayer maps. Star Wars Battlefront had no campaign and this one in BF1 (maybe 5 hours) is short. Hope this isn't a new trend in PC (or DICE) games as I really enjoy single player/campaign.

    PS: Doom in their latest patch added an Arcade mode to campaign.
      My Computer


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