What Games are you playing right now?

  1. Posts : 4,724
    Windows 11 Pro 22H3

    specialkone said:
    Hemimax; that's an awesome Doom video. But I think you still have V SYNC on as the FPS (OGL) are not going over 60.

    If you right click on the desktop and go to Nvidia control panel, make sure in manage 3D settings vertical sync says " use the 3D application settings" like this pic below:

    Attachment 156049

    Then as dude mentioned make sure in Doom V SYNC is set to off (like the pic below)

    Attachment 156050

    I recorded a game video of Doom some time ago when I had my EVGA FTW 1080. I'm using Vulcan and you are on OGL. That is fine. But if you have V SYNC off both in the Nvidia control panel and the game, I think you will be hitting FPS higher than 60.

    Note in my video the Vulcan FPS are hitting 200. 200 is the Doom game limit for FPS which has nothing to do with any V SYNC settings.

    Sorry my bad, I had NV CP on adaptive.
      My Computers

  2. Posts : 4,724
    Windows 11 Pro 22H3

    I also saw an Framerate limit in the RivaTuner that is set to 60, I tried raising it but the screen went all wonky.

      My Computers

  3. Posts : 4,724
    Windows 11 Pro 22H3

    Dude said:
    I got caught in the grass this race
    Nice driving Tex, don't beat yourself up, even The Stig gets in the grass sometimes, besides the right kind of grass can be a good thing.
      My Computers

  4. Posts : 2,086
    Windows 11 Pro 64

    Hemimax said:
    I also saw an Framerate limit in the RivaTuner that is set to 60, I tried raising it but the screen went all wonky.
    Do you mean the 60 you see on my rivatuner screenshot below? That adjusts the position of the OSD if you grab it and move it. It doesn't limit FPS. For example, mine shows that 60 to display the location, color and font size that will show on the screen. It's not limiting my FPS to 60.

    What Games are you playing right now?-rtss.png

    Still, great game play there Hemimax.
      My Computer

  5. Posts : 19,533
    W11+W11 Developer Insider + Linux

    Played with WoW last night, call me Sir-Sink-a-lot !!
      My Computers

  6. Posts : 4,724
    Windows 11 Pro 22H3

    specialkone said:
    Do you mean the 60 you see on my rivatuner screenshot below? That adjusts the position of the OSD if you grab it and move it. It doesn't limit FPS. For example, mine shows that 60 to display the location, color and font size that will show on the screen. It's not limiting my FPS to 60.

    What Games are you playing right now?-rtss.png

    Still, great game play there Hemimax.
    I have a bad habit of fooling with stuff that I should leave alone. It is fourth setting down on right column below "Custom Direct3D support", if you push that past 60 the screen either locks or goes psychedelic.
      My Computers

  7. Posts : 16,670
    Windows 11 Pro X64

    Hemimax said:
    Nice driving Tex, don't beat yourself up, even The Stig gets in the grass sometimes, besides the right kind of grass can be a good thing.

    CountMike said:
    Played with WoW last night, call me Sir-Sink-a-lot !!
    Hello Sir-Sink-a-lot
      My Computers

  8. Posts : 7,724
    3-Win-7Prox64 3-Win10Prox64 3-LinuxMint20.2

    I was playing batman with the bat mobile I was running over everything :)
    Hard to drive with a mouse and arrows
      My Computers

  9. Posts : 16,670
    Windows 11 Pro X64

    ThrashZone said:
    I was playing batman with the bat mobile I was running over everything :)
    Hard to drive with a mouse and arrows
    I know that feeling
      My Computers

  10. Posts : 16,670
    Windows 11 Pro X64

    Hey @specialkone check out the latest MSI AB beta
    What Games are you playing right now?-2017-10-03_20h05_40.png
      My Computers


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