I installed it and had a look. Wasn't what I was expecting, so I haven't played it much. I also grab a lot of the free Games with Gold games. You can always just uninstall them if you don't like them. Once installed though they are yours to keep and reinstall latter if you want another go at them. Some I grab so my grand kids have something to play and keep them busy. My XBOX has the 1TB drive so I'm good for space for a while.
I don't usually buy a game for my XBOX that I already have for my PC but the price was right for Dishonored, and it was extra cash for payment for fixing a PC. Dishonored is one of the best games I have ever played and I'm looking forward to playing Dishonored 2 when its released. I've already decided I'm going to get the XBOX version, which was another reason I wanted to play the original over again, but this time on my XBOX. I should be well used to using the game controller by then. Buying Halo a second time, I had no choice. I started playing it on my PC but to actually finish the whole series I had to move to XBOX. Not all the games are ported over to PC. It wasn't the sole reason for buying an XBOX but it was a contributing factor. I had been wanting one for a while. I just opted for the Master Chief Collection.