Yes, it's three fans and one of the AIB designs where Tom's Hardware/Gamers Nexus/Guru3D seemed fine with VRM temps.
Although my game play doesn't show it this is the second time through ROTTR. Couldn't remember at first what I was supposed to do with the barrels.
I have no unfinished games and don't see anything out there "newish" that much interests me. Pretty sad state for a gamer with a new 1080TI. I might try WD2 again next. My 1080 couldn't really handle HFTS shadows that well at only 1080P. Now that I have a 1080TI GFE seems to think I can handle those shadows, but even more handle them at DSR 4K. Are they kidding? BTW I don't like DSR much. I don't see much difference in the looks/graphics and it drops FPS big time.