What Games are you playing right now?

  1. Posts : 2,086
    Windows 11 Pro 64

    blackroseMD1 said:
    The Strix is a tri-fan setup, isn't it?

    Glad you got your temps down. Enjoy ROTTR. It's a great game.
    Yes, it's three fans and one of the AIB designs where Tom's Hardware/Gamers Nexus/Guru3D seemed fine with VRM temps.

    Although my game play doesn't show it this is the second time through ROTTR. Couldn't remember at first what I was supposed to do with the barrels.

    I have no unfinished games and don't see anything out there "newish" that much interests me. Pretty sad state for a gamer with a new 1080TI. I might try WD2 again next. My 1080 couldn't really handle HFTS shadows that well at only 1080P. Now that I have a 1080TI GFE seems to think I can handle those shadows, but even more handle them at DSR 4K. Are they kidding? BTW I don't like DSR much. I don't see much difference in the looks/graphics and it drops FPS big time.

    What Games are you playing right now?-wd2graphics.png
      My Computer

  2. Posts : 2,161
    Windows 11 Beta channel

    Yeah, I'm not really a fan of DSR either. I feel like where I'm at now, 1440p144, is just about the sweet spot for me in terms of both quality and performance.

    I just restarted Dishonored, as I never finished it before and I just picked up Dishonored 2 on sale for half off. Also still need to finish WD2 and Fallout 4. Still plan on picking up GRAW at some point as well. I need to hurry, too, because as soon as AC: Origins comes out, I'll likely drop whatever I'm currently playing to play that.
      My Computer

  3. Posts : 16,669
    Windows 11 Pro X64

    blackroseMD1 said:
    Yeah, I'm not really a fan of DSR either. I feel like where I'm at now, 1440p144, is just about the sweet spot for me in terms of both quality and performance.

    I just restarted Dishonored, as I never finished it before and I just picked up Dishonored 2 on sale for half off. Also still need to finish WD2 and Fallout 4. Still plan on picking up GRAW at some point as well. I need to hurry, too, because as soon as AC: Origins comes out, I'll likely drop whatever I'm currently playing to play that.
    That looks to be a cool game
      My Computers

  4. Posts : 2,161
    Windows 11 Beta channel

    Dude said:
    That looks to be a cool game
    It does. I've completed every AC game aside from 1 and 3, and Egypt looks like a really great place for some assassin activities. Hopefully Ubi taking a year off between series entries will have it running smoothly at launch.
      My Computer

  5. Posts : 18
    Win 10 Pro

    blackroseMD1 said:
    Yeah, I'm not really a fan of DSR either. I feel like where I'm at now, 1440p144, is just about the sweet spot for me in terms of both quality and performance.
    I can't run anything in DSR but it was interesting to mess with. I think the concept is very interesting, but I don't understand it fully. ;-;
      My Computer

  6. Posts : 16,669
    Windows 11 Pro X64

    docpipo said:
    I can't run anything in DSR but it was interesting to mess with. I think the concept is very interesting, but I don't understand it fully. ;-;
    I tried it and didn't see any benefit
      My Computers

  7. Posts : 2,161
    Windows 11 Beta channel

    Dude said:
    I tried it and didn't see any benefit
    Same here. Mostly I just noticed the massive drop in FPS.
      My Computer

  8. Posts : 2,086
    Windows 11 Pro 64

    blackroseMD1 said:
    Same here. Mostly I just noticed the massive drop in FPS.

    So I fired up WD2. 1080P Ultra with HFTS shadows. Took a drive across the SF bridge. So far experiencing no stutters whatsoever. FPS drops sometimes to the 40's but not the 20's as before.

    Look at the OSD numbers. GPU 98% sure but CPU goes to the 90's as well and RAM is 8.7GB used. With games like this, my hardware isn't overkill for 1080P.

    PS: Did you see me blow by that police car? The joys of gaming - didn't get stopped. :)

      My Computer

  9. Posts : 2,161
    Windows 11 Beta channel

    That was quite the nice, leisurely drive @specialkone

    WD2 is definitely a game meant to take advantage of higher end hardware. Congrats on joining us in the 1080 Ti club. :)
      My Computer

  10. Posts : 2,086
    Windows 11 Pro 64

    blackroseMD1 said:
    That was quite the nice, leisurely drive @specialkone

    WD2 is definitely a game meant to take advantage of higher end hardware. Congrats on joining us in the 1080 Ti club. :)
    Thanks, Blackrose. Ya, big bikes in California. Guess you could live that dream if you wished. I did have a bike when I was much younger. My GF at the time said "you have a choice. Buy the bike and you lose me". I bought the bike, took a course and convinced her to take a ride. After that, she loved it. Man did she look good on the back of that beast. Never could convince her to drive it, though.
      My Computer


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