Playing BF4 campaign now. Our team did have one great female helicopter pilot pointing out targets and protecting us. Sadly, we lost her when she protected us from one huge Russian attack helicopter. Good to know Stephanie's flying around (somewhere).
I have noticed (shot below) that this EVGA FTW 1080 likes to sit at a core clock of 1898 at 1080P, usually never below except for cut scenes. In the screenshot it's at 1949 and I've seen it go to 1960's in Witcher 3. Sweet. Always staying above that advertised boost clock of 1860 even on my I7980X and USB 2.0.
Don't tell the boys on the EVGA forums as they might kick me outbut I have never overclocked this card. 1898 to the 1960's at stock compared to the famous 2K clock equates to what, 1 FPS more? I honestly don't understand the frenzy around the 2K clock. Important to me is the minimum boost it holds.
Moving through Rise of the Tomb Raider slowly. It's a great game but man I'm not a RPG guy. Decided I better try to get into these games as it seems RPG releases are most common. Got Witcher 3 as a start. That was ok. I'm a keyboard, mouse, racing wheel and flight stick user. Don't want a PC "game controller", thank you. This jump, hop, leap, hang on stuff in RoTR slows me down, annoying at times. Trying to get used to it.
So I understand the latest Tomb Raider patch provides MGPU support in DX12. Who has that setup and this game and could comment? Blackrose that would be you, no, assuming you don't have the EVGA 1080 SC yet.
First person shooters, simulation racing, air combat are what I enjoy the most. How long am I going to have to wait to fly off and land (at night) on an aircraft carrier in Direct X12 or Vulcan? Perhaps I or my CPU will be too old to handle a new API supported air combat PC game if and when that day arrives.
Just picked up an XB1 so I'm revisiting an old favorite (Red Dead Redemption) and enjoying a series that no longer comes out on PC (Madden 16).
On the PC side...same old, same old...Fallout 4 and GTA Online.
Blackrose, you didn't answer me on Tomb Raider DX12 MGPU support, post #138:
"So I understand the latest Tomb Raider patch provides MGPU support in DX12. Who has that setup and this game and could comment? Blackrose that would be you, no, assuming you don't have the EVGA 1080 SC yet."