What Games are you playing right now?

  1. WOT
    Posts : 471
    Win 10 Pro 15063.332 (ex-Insider)

    worf105 said:
    They are good stats
    do you watch: https://www.youtube.com/user/BohemianEagle
    Actually, I do not watch any videos related to game play but I will bookmark your recommendation and check it out a bit later.
      My Computers

  2. Posts : 2,445
    Windows 10 Pro 64-Bit (1809)

    WOT said:
    Actually, I do not watch any videos related to game play but I will bookmark your recommendation and check it out a bit later.
    Thanks WOT
      My Computers

  3. Posts : 2,445
    Windows 10 Pro 64-Bit (1809)

    worf105 said:
    It does, I have (Had) a NA server account a few years ago to play platoons with a few other in the USA but the PING was shocking as you'd expect
    Forgetting the latency issues for the moment I was under the impression the Wargaming were working on account migration between servers. was a year or so ago now.
      My Computers

  4. WOT
    Posts : 471
    Win 10 Pro 15063.332 (ex-Insider)

    worf105 said:
    Forgetting the latency issues for the moment I was under the impression the Wargaming were working account migration between global servers.
    I am not aware of that change but I basically just play. That would be nice (I guess) but I don't look forward to playing against some of the better EU and RU players. Winning is tough enough right now.
      My Computers

  5. Posts : 2,445
    Windows 10 Pro 64-Bit (1809)

    WOT said:
    I am not aware of that change but I basically just play. That would be nice (I guess) but I don't look forward to playing against some of the better EU and RU players. Winning is tough enough right now.
    Ye there are some great players out in Wargaming Land....
      My Computers

  6. Posts : 2,161
    Windows 11 Beta channel

    @specialkone I tested Watch Dogs 2 and HTFS shadows tonight. Man, I didn't realize they caused such a hit to framerate. I gained, on average, about 20 FPS in most areas when I turned them off.
      My Computer

  7. Posts : 2,086
    Windows 11 Pro 64

    blackroseMD1 said:
    @specialkone I tested Watch Dogs 2 and HTFS shadows tonight. Man, I didn't realize they caused such a hit to framerate. I gained, on average, about 20 FPS in most areas when I turned them off.
    You've got that right, my friend. Aren't HFTS shadows brutal? They look good though but in my case with a 1080 FTW and 1080P they will at times drop frames to the 30's. Not worth the hit so I use "Ultra" shadows. PCSS shadows, reportedly less of a hit, are also too big a hit for me.

    Is it scaling well in SLI?
      My Computer

  8. Posts : 2,161
    Windows 11 Beta channel

    specialkone said:
    You've got that right, my friend. Aren't HFTS shadows brutal? They look good though but in my case with a 1080 FTW and 1080P they will at times drop frames to the 30's. Not worth the hit so I use "Ultra" shadows. PCSS shadows, reportedly less of a hit, are also too big a hit for me.

    Is it scaling well in SLI?
    Both GPUs are showing around 95% in the OSD, so it seems like it. I dropped down to PCSS and the lowest I saw the FPS drop while exploding things was 62. Knowing Ubi and the Watch Dogs series, though, I'm sure I'll drop into the 40s while driving.
      My Computer

  9. Posts : 2,086
    Windows 11 Pro 64

    worf105 said:
    I have installed Deus Ex Mankind Divided to bring you all the following video.

    This must be one of the hardest game that Nessie has had to contend with when setting are @ Ultra. with only 30 +/- FPS

    However within the game at around 11:11 into the game play video below I changed the MSAA to off and all ran great.

    I have now since uninstalled this game it takes up almost 80GB of valuable space.
    Are you kidding me? FPS with that GPU running 20-30's at Ultra? Even with MSAA off it's not running great. FPS are high but all over the place. Clear signs of a poorly PC optimized game. Nessie can't do magic. Even some of the reviews I had read were somewhat baffled with the PC performance (see below). This certainly isn't good advertising for DX12. Your best move IMHO was per your last line above.

    "Up-to High Quality settings the game is reasonable well to play at 1080P and 1440P. For Ultra HD and/or Ultra quality settings*the game starts to load up high resolution textures and yeah things just get exorbitantly difficult for any graphics card"

    Deus Ex: Mankind Divided PC GPU (DX11 and DX12) performance benchmark review - Graphics memory (VRAM) usage and Conclusion
      My Computer

  10. Posts : 2,086
    Windows 11 Pro 64

    blackroseMD1 said:
    Both GPUs are showing around 95% in the OSD, so it seems like it. I dropped down to PCSS and the lowest I saw the FPS drop while exploding things was 62.
    Actually, I think you're doing quite well there. I heard during WD2 beta, scaling was 65% both GPU's so guess Nvidia has fixed that. Also PCSS at 1440P and minimums at 62 compared to me with one 1080 at 1080P dropping to the low 30's. Not sure how one of your TI's would handle HFTS/PCSS at 1440P but I always figured that HFTS was one of Nvidia's first Game Works venture to tell us maybe better to have TI's in SLI for decent 1440p minimum frame rates. Likely more of these graphic features (new game works fire) coming from Nvidia to push GPU's even harder.

    Think with WD2 we have a tick in SLI A OK column, which is pleasantly surprising to me.
      My Computer


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