What PC games would you recommend for a middle class laptop?

  1. Posts : 19
    Windows 10 Pro

    What PC games would you recommend for a middle class laptop?

    Here's my System Info:

    Attachment 41150

    I was hoping for FPS, RPG, Racing, Adventure, or Rythm Games with Graphics(Optional) and Gameplay(Recommended) similar to: Call of Duty 4 MW (FPS), Torchlight 2 (RPG/Adventure), Need for Speed (Racing) & osu! (Rythm).

    Thnx in advance to everyone!:)
      My Computer

  2. Posts : 289
    Windows 10 Home

    What PC games would you recommend for a middle class laptop?

    I'm sure you will get answers more to your liking but my response would be NONE!
      My Computer

  3. Posts : 272
    Win 10 pro 64 bit Vs. 20H2 Build 19042.630

    You can try this web page, (Can You Run It) to get a pretty good idea of what your machine can run. The tool it will want to install is safe and is used to read your machine specs. It has a pretty comprehensive list of games new and old. Enjoy. http://www.systemrequirementslab.com/cyri
      My Computer

  4. Posts : 139

    Slippery said:
    You can try this web page, (Can You Run It) to get a pretty good idea of what your machine can run. The tool it will want to install is safe and is used to read your machine specs. It has a pretty comprehensive list of games new and old. Enjoy. http://www.systemrequirementslab.com/cyri
    Yeah this tool isn't really reliable nor accurate. I've had it tell me I can't run this and I can't run that, but then I run those games on high settings easily.
      My Computer

  5. Posts : 272
    Win 10 pro 64 bit Vs. 20H2 Build 19042.630

    I'll bet you're not doing it on a laptop. I was trying to let him down gracefully. Because, like cbwilsha, I don't think laptops we're designed for games, even if they will run some of them, mainly because of power and cooling inadequacies.
    I too, have used that tool and in every instance have run games that it said I couldn't. But I build my own machines as well as machines for other people and the they perform pretty good. Now that I am broke and on fixed income, I am still running a 6 year old I7 and it still runs anything I throw at it. I always play everything at native resolution and the same vid card settings globally. So, go figure. The real point of that tool is to sell hardware and games.
      My Computer

  6. Posts : 29
    Windows 10

    Disregard any possible negativity from others. I'll try to come up with a nice list of a variety of games you can play.

    Also keep in mind I don't know what your integrated graphics card is on your laptop so I'm basing this off of assumption and logic that yours is that of an average laptop built a few years ago.

    You can use a variety of emulators such as the PSP one, I won't name it here since I don't know if it's against the rules. But on the PSP there's tons of amazing rhythm games. There's also Bluestacks the Android Emulator. Pretty much every Rhythm game you see on Steam you can play easy. Audiosurf and Audiosurf 2 for sure.

    You can play every Call of Duty up to Ghosts pretty well. As for Ghosts, AW, and BO3 you can try to take a crack at them but I don't want to get your hopes high on those.

    You can play Battlefield 3 and 4, probably Hardline as well. Even Bad Company 2 and MIrror's Edge.

    Pretty much most games prior to 2013 you can play. Assassin's Creeds up to last year's installment for sure.

    Every single game made by Blizzard you can play. Racing games, I don't know if you'll be able to play Assetto Corsa or Project Cars, they're pretty higher spec games. But there's a massive library of racing games you can play easy. All the Dirt games, iRacing, GTR, Ridge Racer, Sonic and All Stars Racing & Transformed (super fun Mario Kart-like games with splitscreen on pc).

    Don't get distraught into thinking you can't play games just because you have a lower spec laptop. You can play most every single pc game. Think about that for a second.

    Most indie games you can play, and there's a lot on Steam. Also would like to mention Doom. Doom can run on anything and is amazingly fun. There's tons of mods for it that make the game feel more modern and there's a really active multiplayer community.

    This game: SpeedRunners on Steam
    just came out, it's massively popular, has great reviews, and you can play it.

    CS:GO, the most popular fps on Twitch daily. You can play this game. With that in mind the top 4 games on Twitch daily are League of Legends, Dota 2, CS: GO, and Hearthstone. You can play all of these.

    You can play Minecraft as well as all the Telltale Games.

    For RPG's you can play Deus Ex: Human Revolution, Star Wars KOTOR and KOTOR II and The Old Republic MMO which is f2p, all of the Fallout games, Skyrim, Oblivion, Elder Scrolls Online, Borderlands 1 and 2. You can also play Payday.

    Most games you can play, just try to look around and get creative and chances are likely you can play it. The most popular and active games right now on pc can run on your laptop so don't get thinking you need to invest in a $700 pc.
      My Computer

  7. Posts : 19
    Windows 10 Pro
    Thread Starter

    invictus said:
    Also keep in mind I don't know what your integrated graphics card is on your laptop so I'm basing this off of assumption and logic that yours is that of an average laptop built a few years ago.
    All i know is that my laptop runs on Intel(R) HD Graphics. I don't know if it can handle Nvidia though, i've always wanted to try it but I don't know if installing it would make that much of a difference cause NVidia might take up much more of the RAM than the games themselves. So far, my laptop can handle Assassins creed & COD 4 at low-medium settings and FPS drops when i shift to high. I also clean and optimize frequently so i think my laptop's already running at max performance. Are there any other ways to increase RAM besides this? In task manager, i see a bunch of processes that i think might not be of use to me (I'm not sure) like "Search" (I don't search much).
    What PC games would you recommend for a middle class laptop?-sear.png

    And I think it's somehow related to "Cortana" which my laptop can't run because it's not supported in my Country. That won't make much of a problem if i delete/disable "Search", right?
      My Computer

  8. Posts : 5
    Windows 10x64home

    XGen Studios - Online Games - Stick RPG 2

    (I am not advertising! It´s a great game!)
      My Computer


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