With or without the new launcher you linked me?
With the new launcher I get the menu pop up but I get that error I quoted in the status box.
Without the new one, like I said before, it doesn't launch the game.
Windows 10, must have ate my Demoshield driver or it just doesn't have the driver or an up to date program to replace it.
It's retarded, my 2000 Dell with crappy everything almost runs it but doesn't have the graphics card. This new Laptop can run the heck out of the game
if it could just get to the game! Are the computer/software companies now reducing our replay value to 9 year intervals until they abandon the software?
I played BG:SoA for like
15 years on
five different PC's, two replaced because of power serge's frying them. None of those forgot to build on the previous OS when they upgraded to new garbage, I mean what if I get a crash in five years, will Attila: TotalWar be useless to own unless it came through Steam? Consumer value must be second to money making these days.
This makes me want to find a much older OS and uninstall Win-Ten.

I don't believe you played this game on this OS. If you did it was the version you bought online at Steam years after I bought the original disc set.
And that sux, Microsoft should have the stock drivers in the new OS, or I'm calling it lazy design. It has an option to run it in older versions back to ME but nothing happens any different by selection that in the compatibility selection. I feel like that feature is just for show.
I have, you, Saga, The Org, and another TW forum working this issue. I'm hopelessly depressed and upset now....
*End Rant*