Cross-platform chat/party not working

  1. Posts : 20
    Windows 10 Pro

    Cross-platform chat/party not working


    Trying to get the Xbox app to talk to my nephew's Xbox for playing online games together.

    In the Xbox Networking tab the NAT Type keeps coming up as "Teredo is unable to qualify" and the Server connectivity is "Blocked"

    I've searched for repairs to this without much luck.

    I ran a Windows debloater on this install and I believe that is what is keeping this service from working.

    Any help would be appreciated... This forum has helped me in the past with other issues!

    Windows version 22H2 (OS build 19045.2846)

      My Computer

  2. Posts : 1,849
    Windows 10

    make sure IP helper service is running iphlpsvc
    net start iphlpsvc

    you can also try netsh command
    netsh interface teredo set state default

    both as admin
      My Computer

  3. Posts : 977
    Windows 7

    Check to see if UPnP service is running. This solves a lot of NAT issues.
    It would help to mention which debloater tool, to know what possible changes it makes.
      My Computer

  4. Posts : 20
    Windows 10 Pro
    Thread Starter

    IP helper was already running.

    Teredo state just says "Ok" after running that command.

    The debloater I used is one that Jayztwocents recommended in a YouTube video. Only distinguishing things I can find is in the license file it says Copyright 2017 Richard Newton.

    Reading through the ReadMe it does mention several things about Xbox and Xbox live-

    Xbox Identity Provider

    as well as the Xbox app... Which I was able to reinstall. There is in option in the GUI to revert, and I thought I tried that already.

    I ditched all of the Xbox stuff on this build because I never thought I would need it... I guess I never thought about cross-platform making it necessary!!

      My Computer

  5. Posts : 977
    Windows 7

    Microsoft is terrible at branding, and will deliberately recycle an existing brand and apply it to other unrelated products. Xbox Gaming is the name for all Windows gaming related apps & services -- whether you have an Xbox console or not.

    This leads to confused users removing features, including those for cross-platform.
      My Computer

  6. Posts : 1,849
    Windows 10

    Yeah its bad for sure i agree and is the reason why i don't play anything to do with Microsoft games where it relies on the integration of apps and services, i disable all that stuff because its just a whole amalgamation of loops to jump through just to play their games or use their gaming features.

    I really want Forza on PC for the longest time and you could only get it through store or Xbox app which means you need all the services running along with that and then all the problems of stuff not working as intended.

    Horizon is on Steam but i am not interested in that series i want the original series.
      My Computer


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