Frequent game crashes. Driver issue ? RAM ?

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  1. Posts : 9
    Windows 10 Family 21H2 19044.2604

    Frequent game crashes. Driver issue ? RAM ?

    Hello hello,

    (I hesitated where to create this post so I'll let someone move it where it fits !)

    So I have a problem with my PC for a long time : majority of games crashes, some frequently, some occasionally and some never. I have tried a bunch of troubleshooting with no results. I'll try to be as constructed and complete as possible. My build is in my profile tags.

    Game crashes :
    Game Platform Crashes frequency Note
    Rocket League Epic Games Store Constantly (even at start) My poor beloved
    Control Epic Games Store Not once in 30hours Most demanding game ever played
    Genshin Impact Epic Games Store ~1 hour
    Cities Skyline Steam ~30 mins
    Apex Legends Steam Occasionally
    Hades Steam ~2 hours Doesn't crash if started with Vulkan
    For the King Steam ~1 hour Doesn't crash if started with DX9
    In Sink: A Co-Op Escape Prologue Steam Constantly
    Unrailed Steam ~2 hours
    The Witcher 3 Steam Less than 5 times in 300 hours Modded
    Deep Rock Galactic Steam Not once in 120 hours
    Dishonored Steam Not once
    Dishonored 2 Steam Not once
    CS:GO Steam Not once (?) in 2000 hours
    Hyper Light Drifter Steam Not once
    Outer Wilds Steam ~20 mins
    Moon Hunters Steam ~20 mins
    Dofus/Dofus retro/Wakfu Not once Flash games
    Lost Ark Steam Not once in 10 hours
    Disco Elysium Steam ~2 hours

    As you can see it doesn't seem to be related to resources used by the games.

    What I tried :
    RAM Bootable MemTest86 (all tests, 4 passes) : no errors
    Testing a single stick at a time, switching slots
    Tried with my SO RAM sticks (Kingston HyperX Fury Black 2 x 8 Go DDR4 2666 MHz CL15)
    CPU Bootable MemTest86 (all tests, 4 passes) : no errors
    Intel Processor Diagnostic Tool : All tests passed without errors
    GPU Heaven Benchmark 4.0 & Unigine Superposition benchmark 1.1 : no crashes, temp > 65°C, no artifacts
    Tried with my SO GPU (same model)
    Testing several Nvidia driver version (9 or 10 tried with full DDU swipe in Safe Mode and light install driver only)
    Forcing a specific DirectX version for RocketLeague in Direct X Control Panel
    Windows sfc /scannow
    DISM /online /cleanup-image /checkhealth
    Fresh new install with complete swipe of both drives
    BIOS Testing with and without GameBoost & XMP
    Reseting BIOS (by jumping the Clear CMOS jumper)
    Flashing to latest BIOS (7A12v1A )
    Flashing to an older BIOS (1.7)

    I also updated all drivers (using detection tool). My windows version is Windows 10 Family 21H2 19044.2604.

    I configured Windows to dump crash logs on application crashes. Here is the last one for RocketLeague (I checked for improvement with this one because it constantly crashes and it is my fav game at the moment).
    All Rocket League crash dumps points to a FAILURE_BUCKET_ID: ILLEGAL_INSTRUCTION_c000001d_nvwgf2umx.dll (analyzed with WinDbg). Which seems to be a GPU driver problem but as explained, I tried several versions with full DDU swipe and also switched with my SO GPU to no avail.

    A red flag of my build is the RAM frequency that I'm able to set : even with GameBoost and XMP it won't boot with 3200Mhz, max I'm able to set is 3100Mhz, and by default the BIOS set them to 2133MHz. but :
    • They are supported as specified in the MB documentation
    • MemTest86 detected nothing and
    • Replacing my RAM with the one of my SO changed nothing (BIOS correctly set hers at 2666Mhz)

    At this point I'm leaning towards changing some hardware but the troobleshooting results let me puzzled.

    I'm willing to do/redo any necessary tests to found the culprit x)

    I already thank all those who will look into this ! Thanks !

      My Computer

  2. Posts : 5,025
    Windows 10/11 Pro x64, Various Linux Builds, Networking, Storage, Cybersecurity Specialty.

    Hi and welcome to Windows Ten Forums!

    Are you Overclocking? If so go to defaults (No OC and test.)

    Your specs look good.

      My Computer

  3. Posts : 9
    Windows 10 Family 21H2 19044.2604
    Thread Starter

    Thanks !

    No I'm not, and I hard reseted the BIOS settings so they should be ok.
      My Computer

  4. Posts : 2,799
    Windows 10

    You are using overclocking both in the Graphics Card and the main RAM.

    Your RAM is sold for overclocking use as you can see from the JEDEC and XMP profiles of those modules.

    If it won't boot at 3200 MHz and you set it to 3100 MHz that is far too close for reliability.

    For no overclocking you would set it to 2133 MHz at 1.2v. i.e. the highest JEDEC profile.

    Graphics Card maybe to some setting such as "quiet" or some expression they use. You will have to look up the details and compare with Nvidia specs.

    Your SSD is also old with relatively low TBW endurance specs, you can check with CrystalDiskInfo. MOBO is also old and taken a hammering.

    Being hammered for 6 years means hardware endurance is reduced significantly.
      My Computer

  5. Posts : 9
    Windows 10 Family 21H2 19044.2604
    Thread Starter

    Hello Helmut, thanks for the reply.

    Sorry if I was confusing. The 3100Mhz was only to test why I couldn't boot at 3200Mhz (to see if setting the OC settings resolved the crashes). It usually runs at 2133Mhz, as you can see :
    Frequent game crashes. Driver issue ? RAM ?-ram.png

    I'm also attaching the BIOS info of the CPU while I am at it :
    Frequent game crashes. Driver issue ? RAM ?-cpu.png

    Concerning the GPU, what makes you think that it is running overclocked (genuine question) ? I indeed tried to OC it when I built my PC 6 years ago, by curiosity, but reseted it to default settings. I checked those settings various times during my troubleshootings because removing the OCs is always advised. Is there something I missed here ? This is the settings displayed in the utility provided by ASUS ROG :
    Frequent game crashes. Driver issue ? RAM ?-gpu.png

    Which seems to match the settings displayed on the specifications of the GPU on their website:

    Engine Clock OC Mode - GPU Boost Clock : 1860 MHz , GPU Base Clock : 1657 MHz
    Gaming Mode (Default) - GPU Boost Clock : 1835 MHz , GPU Base Clock : 1632 MHz
    *Retail goods are with default Gaming Mode, OC Mode can be adjusted with one click on GPU Tweak II
    Memory Speed 8008 MHz

    Also, here is the results of CrystalDiskInfo for the SSD :
    Frequent game crashes. Driver issue ? RAM ?-crystaldiskinfossd.png

    And finally, because I tried another game which crashed today, I have two new dump files. One is an ILLEGAL_INSTRUCTION_c000001d_nvwgf2umx.dll, and the other one is an INVALID_POINTER_READ_c0000005_nvwgf2umx.dll

    Again, thanks for looking into this
      My Computer

  6. Posts : 2,546
    Windows 11

    You have some type of data corruption going on.
    The Cpu can't execute the file sounds like a some spring cleaning and a fresh os install and fresh program install
    You not being able to change memory speeds suggest a bios update might be needed.
      My Computers

  7. Posts : 9
    Windows 10 Family 21H2 19044.2604
    Thread Starter

    Thanks for the reply.

    I already did a bunch of OS reinstall but I can try once more.
    When reinstalling the OS does formating the drives in the Windows Installer is enough to completly swipe them or is there better procedures to ensure their cleaning ?

    Also, I always installed the OS on the SSD by common sense. But just to rule out the SSD of the culprits, should I try to install the OS on the HDD, at least temporarily ?

    - - - Updated - - -

    So I just finished installing Windows 10 Family 22H2 19045.2006 on my HDD after removing the SSD.
    Flashed the BIOS to the latest available release (7A12v1A).
    Installed EGS and RocketLeague : same result, the game crashes at start with the exact same log.

    So it is not the SSD, and it's not just data corruption. There is faulty hardware somewhere.

    Tomorow I'll try once more with my SO RAM and GPU.

    Because I obvioulsy won't swap the CPU, could someone point me to the best tool to test it ? Thanks

    - - - Updated - - -

    It is tomorrow. In my build I currently have my SO RAM (1 stick > Kingston HyperX Fury Black 8 Go DDR4 2666 MHz CL15) and GPU (same model as mine, GTX 1070 ROG STRIX 8Go), I removed the SSD and installed the OS on the HDD.

    It is a fresh new install. Only things installed after the OS are the EGS and RocketLeague.

    And it still crashes at start. Same logs.

    Remaining components are the CPU, the MB, the PSU, and the HDD. HDD shouldn't be the culprit as in all my previous installs it was only used to store OneDrive (OS and softs/games were on the SSD).

    So, CPU, MB or even the PSU ?

    How could I check those ?
      My Computer

  8. Posts : 281
    Windows 10 Pro

    Try an older video card driver. New is not always the best.

    Never let Windows update your drivers.

    How to Stop Automatic Driver Updates on Windows

    Hardware is not your issue.


    I see you did this.

    What's the make and model of PSU and its wattage?

    What is EGS?

    Is Windows legit?

    How long has it been doing this? Did the problem just start out of the blue?

    Try HeavyLoad. Free Stress Test Tool HeavyLoad | JAM Software
    Last edited by User2468; 16 Mar 2023 at 04:58.
      My Computer

  9. Posts : 281
    Windows 10 Pro

    Have you tried a different PCIe port for the GPU?
    Also try a different SATA connector and cable for the hard drive. Ya never know...
    How old is the PSU by the way?
      My Computer

  10. Posts : 9
    Windows 10 Family 21H2 19044.2604
    Thread Starter

    Thanks for the reply.

    F22 Simpilot said:
    Hardware is not your issue.
    It would be a good news. But how could software still be an issue after full swipe + fresh install ?

    F22 Simpilot said:
    What's the make and model of PSU and its wattage?
    CoolerMaster G650M 80Plus Bronze. So 650W.

    F22 Simpilot said:
    What is EGS?
    Epic Games Store (since RocketLeague is no more on Steam )

    F22 Simpilot said:
    Is Windows legit?
    Yes, still using the activation key I got with the original Windows 8 OS.

    F22 Simpilot said:
    How long has it been doing this? Did the problem just start out of the blue?
    Maybe since start. Hard to tell because it doesn't impact all games/softwares (I also had CAD softwares crashes). And it doesn't impact them in the same ways. So depending on what I was playing it doesn't bothered me the same way. But yeah I already had crashes several years ago (3+).

    F22 Simpilot said:
    Thanks, I'll try today.

    F22 Simpilot said:
    Have you tried a different PCIe port for the GPU?
    Never thought about that... Maybe because my old case prevented me to do it. But I just did and it changed nothing unfortunately.

    F22 Simpilot said:
    Also try a different SATA connector and cable for the hard drive. Ya never know...
    Ok, I'll try it and update the thread.

    F22 Simpilot said:
    How old is the PSU by the way?
    As old as the build, so 6 years.

    - - - Updated - - -

    I ran all 5 tests of HeavyLoad (CPU, GPU, Memory, Drive and Test File) for two hours with the following settings :

    CPU : 4 processors, Normal thread priority
    Memory : 2000MB available Memory (out of 4Go; only one stick atm), 1000MB/s memory speed
    Test File : 100 000MB free space (out of 869Go), 1000MB/s writing speed

    And no signs of failure in sight. Should I increase the settings or run it longer ?
      My Computer


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